Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 25!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 17

Part: 3

WARNINGS: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



In the morning, there was news that someone died in the Hell House. 

The three boys approached a man standing outside.

"What happened?" (M/n) asked.

"A coupla cops say a girl hung herself in the house."


"Yeah. She was  straight A student, with a full ride to UT too. It just don't make sense." He said, walking away.

"Whaddaya think?" Sam asked his brother.

"I think maybe we missed something." Dean said.


~Timeskip to the night~

A police car was parked outside the house, two cops were walking around. Sam, Dean, and (M/n) were crouching in the bushes.

"I guess the cops don't want anyone else screwing around in there."

"Yeah, but we still gotta get in there." Dean said, making a plan in his head.

"How are we going to do that?" The demon asked, they soon hear whispers and peeks from their hiding spots.

"I don't believe it." Dean commented.

Sam spun to look. Ed and Harry were approaching, hunched over, wearing all sorts of gadgets, whispering and shh-ing each other.

"I got an idea."

The older stood up slightly, turns towards the cops and cups his hands to his mouth.

"Who ya gonna call!" He yelled.


"Hey! You!" A cop yelled at Ed and Harry.

The two bolted away, the cops chased them back down the path. Laughing, the three make a break for the house. Once inside, Sam breaks out the rifles, handing one to Dean, he offered the demon one, but as usual, he declined. Dean turned on his flashlight.

"Where have I seen that symbol before? It's killing me!" The older complained.

"Lets hope that's the only thing killing you." The demon commented.

"Come on, we don't have much time."

They went down to the basement and look around. Dean looks at the jars, picking one up and looks at it closer. The pale red liquid sloshes around inside it.

"Hey, (M/n). I dare you to take a swig of this."

"And why the hell would I do that for?"

".....I double dare you."

(M/n) just shook his head and kept looking around. Dean grinned. A noise made the three jump and look towards the cabinet. At Dean's nod, Sam opened the door and rats ran out squeaking.

"Arghh! I hate rats." Dean said, lifting his feet.

"You'd rather it was a ghost?" (M/n) poked fun at him.


Behind Sam's head, Mordechai showed up. (M/n)'s eyes widened as he saw him. Sam and Dean realized what the male was seeing, they turn around as the ghost raised an ax above his head. Sam shot him twice, but he was still there. Dean shot him and he mists away.

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now