Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 6!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 13

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, this is Supernatural. Also this chapter kinda explores the readers past



The boys were at a gas station.

Sam was looking at a map that was laid out on top of the car, Dean had his phone to his ear, and (M/n) was laying in the back seat, looking up at the ceiling in deep thought.

"Ok. I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might make it to Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam piped up.

"Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean said, lowering his phone. (M/n) sat up to look at the older male.

"We what?"

"I just got a call from an, uh, old friend. Her father was killed last night, think it might be out kind of thing." Both of the boys looked at Dean questionably.

"Come on guys. She would have never, and I mean, ever, call if she didn't need us."

He started to climb in the Impala and then looked at his brother. "You coming?" Sam got in. And (M/n) knew that he was going to hate this trip. 

After Sam witnessed (M/n) true nature and strength, he never questioned the demon on why he got so mad, nor did he want to be at the end of it either. It was terrifying. Truth was that, (M/n) was growing feelings for the older Winchester. I mean, come on. Dean was sexy as hell. The threat of anyone hurting him or taking him away angered the demon. 

(D/n) had grown fond of the archangel Lucifer, admired him and loved him greatly. The two had become lovers, and then Lucifer was sent into the cage and (D/n)'s life had spiraled. Not knowing what to do anymore. He had started illegal deals, taking souls when he wasn't supposed too. And going to heaven to ruin the angels work. That's what landed him as a wanted man in both Heaven and Hell. But since he saw Dean, he had found his purpose. And he was going to protect the Winchester, even if it meant killing who got in his way. ((I'm turning the reader into a yandere ;P  ......maybe, I'm just kinda going with  the flow with the episodes and just coming up with this shizz as I go ))

As the Impala went down a road, Sam and Dean were talking about this "old" friend of Deans.

"By "old friend", you mean?"

"A friend that's not new."

"Oh yeah, thanks. So her name's Cassie? You never mentioned her before."

"Didn't I?" 

There was a long pause, before Sam looked over at his brother.

"Yeah, we went out."

"You mean you dated somebody? For more than one night."

"Am I speaking a language you're not getting here? Dad and I were working a job in Ohio, she was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks."


Dean shrugged.

"Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kinda sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do. Which by the way, how does she know what we do?"

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