Chapter 8

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Emma's POV:
I get out of my chair just as they're about to kiss and kick her shin with my foot. She yells in pain and falls to the floor. Everyone gasp, including Logan.
"Emma....." Logan says, looking at Alissa.
"Logan....." I say, looking at him.
"Get out." He says, pointing towards the door.
"Wait wha-"
"GET OUT!" He yells in my face. At this point everyone is staring at us. I start to cry and run out the double door. I should've never trusted him! I knew he would hurt me...but this is in a different way. This hurts more in my heart. Logan started to feel like family. He picked a girl over his own adopted I think for a moment.
"Should I go to the car and wait for them, or just run?"
I choose to run. People always told me I can't run away from my problems, but for me, it's the easiest thing to do. Logan is obviously upset, and I don't want to make him even more mad, so I'll let him be. I run down a long street, leading out into a highway. I walk down a narrow sidewalk as I see cars flying past me. I stop where I am and look at the cars.
"If I stepped out right now, it would all be over." I thought to myself. I wipe a tear from my cheek and keep walking down the sidewalk. A few people pass me and just stare. I try to ignore them, but I can't. I see a bench and decide to sit down. I take my phone out of my back pocket and open it.
"3 missed phone calls from Johannes"
"5 missed FaceTime calls from Mark"
"13 text messages from George"
Logan hasn't texted or called what a great 'father'...I sit on the bench and cry, not wanting to face reality.
"Emma?" A voice asked me. I look up to see Kade, from the team 10 house holding a camera. I get up, ready to run, but he held me back.
"Let me go!" I shrieked.
"Not until you tell me why you're crying!" He says.
"Why don't you ask Logan?!" I yell, and escape from his grip. I decide not to run, because I don't know where I'm going.
"Come on, I'll take you back to the team 10 house, okay?" He says. I nod my head, and follow him to his car.
"So you wanna tell me what happened?" He asked. I shake my head, and get into his car.
"No one is at the house right now, so it'll be just you and me." He said. I nod my head and look at my phone.
"7 missed calls from Johannes"
"18 missed FaceTime calls from Mark"
"22 text messages from George"
Still nothing from Logan. I look out the window as it starts to rain, and the sun slowly sets.
"Have you texted your dad?" Kade asked.
"He's not my dad. He never will be." I say, trying not to cry.
"Don't say that Em...I know it hurts right now, but things will get better, trust me." He said. The last time someone called me "Em" was when I was 6, but I kinda like the nickname.
"You don't even know what happened." I say.
"Well I would if you told me." He said smiling at me.
"Fine." I say. I told him the whole story, with Alissa, and Logan. He looks kinda shocked when I said Alissa's name.
"She deserves what you did." Kade said, as he turned a corner.
"Why, what did she do?" I asked.
"She cheated on Jake." Kade said, clearing his throat.
(A/N: I just want to say that I'm not hating on Alissa or anything, I'm just saying what I think everyone would say. So if you're a fan of Alissa, I'm not hatin!)
"Wait...did she cheat on him with Logan?" I ask, with a a shocked expression.
"I'm not sure...I never really found out. The only ones that actually know what happened are Jake and Alissa, and neither of them will tell."
" Logan and Alissa dated?" I asked.
"Yea. I don't know why he would do that to his own's kind or fucked up-oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to cuss." Kade said, covering his mouth.
"It's fine, I cuss all the time." I smirked. He laughed, and it made me feel better.
"Well, here we are." Kade said and got out of the car. It was raining hard, which like never happens in California. We both run into the house, trying not to get wet.
"So where is Jake?" I ask.
"He went to Miami for a week." Kade says. "When Jakes not around, no one ever comes to the house."
"Oh, so what do you want to do?" I ask, looking around.
"Wanna play a game?" He asked.
"Okay so we could play truth or dare." Kade suggests.
"Okay." I say
"Okay Em, truth or dare?" Kade asks.
"I dare you to down a whole cup of ranch." Kade laughs. I walk over to the fridge and get out some ranch. I poor it down my throat, and almost threw up. Before I could swallow, I spit it out in the sink, leaving ranch residue on the sides. Kade and I laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. When I finally caught a breath, I asked him.
"Kade, truth or dare!"
"Have you ever dated someone that was cheating on their boyfriend?" I ask.
"Uh..yea In about 7th grade, a girl asked me out, and she was really popular, and so I couldn't say no. But I thought she had a boyfriend, so I asked her if she did, and she said that she broke up with him, even though she didn't. I broke up with her when I found out." Kade said.
"Wow...that must've sucked to figure out she had another boyfriend." I say.
"Yea It did, but her boyfriend and I became best friends, and still talk to each other today.
"Oh that's so cool!" I say.
We do a few more rounds, and then decide to watch a movie. We watch the Hunger Games because there was nothing else on. I look at my phone and I got a text from and unknown number.
"Hey sweetheart, I know that you're sad right now, but it's going to get better soon. I'll get you away from Logan, just like you want, and we will live happy together."
(E: Emma; UN: unknown number)
E: who is this?
UN: You don't need to worry about that
E: tell me or I'll call the police.
UN: no you won't. Just enjoy your movie and relax.
I show the text to Kade and he calls the police. They arrive at the house and look around for anyone.
"Is this your father?" A police officer asked me.
"No, this is my foster dads friend, Kade. My foster dad, Logan, and I got into an argument, so I came here." I explained.
"Okay so have you texted your father?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Okay well, you should call or text him, so he knows you're okay." The police man says. I nod my head and get on my phone. I go down to "Logan" and call. It automatically goes to voicemail. I decide to text him.
E: Logan
E: hey u ok?
E: well I'm okay
E: r u gonna answer me or wut?
E: Ok now I'm worried
E: Plz answer
A few minutes pass and still no answer, so I decide to call Mark.
(E: Emma; M: Mark)
E: calm down! I'm at the team 10 house. Is Logan ok?
M: well...not really...
M: well he's crying in his bed
E: why?
M: because he thinks you're dead
E: why would I be dead?!
M: because you weren't answering ANY OF OUR CALLS!
E: sorry I just needed space...I tried to call Logan, Why wasn't he answering?
M: because after you left, he threw his phone at the wall.
E: why?
M: because he's Logan. Anyways, who are you with? Jake is in Miami.
E: Kade.
M: oh well we will be there in 30 minutes.
E: Mark, don't tell Logan this, but I got a creepy text message, and so I called the police, and they are investigating now.
M: what happened?!
E: I'll explain later, just get Logan and come to the team 10 house.
M: Okay see ya
-end of phone call-
Logans POV:
I lay in my bed, sobbing to myself. How could I let this happen? This poor innocent girl is probably dead because of me. I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to vlog, I just want to cry, and be alone. I hear my door slowly creek open, and light floods into my room.
"Logan, I got a phone call from Emma. She's okay." Mark says. I spring up out of my bed and wipe away my tears.
"Where is she?!" I ask, putting my shoes on.
"At the team 10 house." Mark says, and hands me the keys.
"How did she get there? Jake is in Miami." I say, as I signal Johannes, George, and Alissa to follow Mark and I.
"She said Kade picked her up." Mark said, following behind me to the parking garage.
"Well, we better hurry." I say, and all of us hop into the Yeti. I go over the speed limit, because I need to know my baby girl is okay and in safe hands.
A/N: HEY GUYS! This is the last chapter I'm gonna do today, because sadly, I have school tomorrow, but I will try to get a chapter done when I get home, so TAKE IT EASY FAM, PEACE! ✌🏻

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