Chapter 11

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Emma's POV:
"What's wrong?" Jack asked looking up at the T.V.
"That's...that's my mom.." I say in fear.
"Why was your mom in jail?" Jonah asked.
"That's not important..." I say as I wipe away a tear from my cheek.
"Are you Okay? What happened with your mom?" Daniel asked.
"I told you that's not important." I say standing up. "And I'm fine, I just need some space."
"Come on Emma, you can't just leave us in the dark. Tell us why you're crying. Tell us about your past." Zach says and smiles.
"I don't want to talk about it." I say, slowly inching away from them.
"Come on it can't be that bad." Corbyn says.
"Corbyn shut up." Daniel responds. "Emma, please tell us. We won't tell anyone."
"Just please stop..." I shakily say.
"No, we want to help. But we can't unless you tell us what happened." Jonah says and stands up.
"I can't. I don't need your help. I told you I'm fine, so please leave me alone." I say and start walking towards Evans room. Suddenly, Jonah grabs my hand and pulls me back.
"Why are you shutting us out?" He asked. I silently gasp and quickly force my hand away from his grip.
"Because It's none of your business. And you guys would never hang out with me again if you knew what happened." I say, starting to cry a little harder.
"We could never do that to you. What's so awful about your childhood that you can't share? We won't judge you." Jack says.
"Guys...please" I say, trying to calm down.
"Tell us or we are going to ask Logan." Corbyn demands.
"Corbyn, shut up!" Daniel says.
"Logan doesn't know about my past...and neither will you. So stop asking me about it!" I say and run into Evans room, locking it. I sit on his little mattress on the floor and cry.
"Emma, come on, we didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Daniel says.
"Yea, and we just wanted to know about your past...Please come out." Zach adds.
"If you come out, we will sing you a song." Jonah comments.
"We don't want Logan to be worried about you either." Jack proceeds.
"She's probably in there cutting herself again." Corbyn says, obviously apathetic about the whole situation.
"CORBYN SHUT UP!" Daniel yells. Did Logan seriously tell them about that? Why would he do that? They probably think I'm a stupid, depressed, teenager that can't take care of herself....who am I kidding? That's exactly what I am. I stuff my head in a white pillow, trying to act like I'm asleep. I silently hear the mumbles of the boys right outside the door. I can't tell them about my past, not now. I barely know them, and they could turn on me any second. They seem nice, but I just can't do it. Suddenly, the murmurs stopped, and the whole house was in complete silence. I faintly hear the sound of crutches come up to Evans door.
"E-Emma?" Logan said outside the door.
"What?" I say, sitting up from the mattress.
"Are you Okay?" He asked.
"No I'm not okay! You told a bunch of hot guys that I'm a hot mess! And, my mom just got out of jail which is going to ruin my whole life! To make matters even worse, I haven't eaten all day, and I'm about to starve to death!!" I wanted to say.
"Yea, I'm fine." I respond.
"Are you decent?" He asked.
"Yea...why?" Before he could answer, the door swung open. Logan smiled and held up a small, silver key that looked like a question mark.
"Logan, I want to be alone...please." I say as Logan starts walking towards me.
"I know Em" Logan said sitting next to me. "But I want to talk to you."
"About what?" I ask.
"Your parents." He commented. Oh god. This is like the "birds and the bees" talk...just way more dark and uncomfortable.
"I-I'm not ready to tell anyone." I stutter.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Because...I'm just not. I really don't want to talk about it." I say.
"It's okay....I won't push you. Just please tell me when you're ready. Okay?" He asks.

"Hey Logan I think we're gonna go..." Jack says and all the guys stand up from the couch.
"Oh okay...well have a safe trip home." Logan says.
"Okay thanks...bye Logan. Bye Emma." Daniel says as he smiles and waves at me. I notice he has a gap between his teeth. His smile makes me's contagious.
All the guys say bye and leave a few seconds later. Man, it was really fun to meet them...I hope I see them some more. Other than Corbyn. He seems like a really nice guy...maybe he was just having a bad day.
"So you want pizza?" Logan asked.
"You read my mind." I say. Logan pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls a pizza place while I watch YouTube on my laptop. I type "Lo" and the first thing that pops up is "Logan Paul." I click on it and then go to his channel. I plug in some Beats headphones that Logan had sitting on his desk and tap on his most recent video. It's titled:
I went to the hospital *not clickbait*
~In vlog~
Logan yells into his camera and runs into the kitchen where I was. You could see a quick glimpse of me, but it wasn't that obvious. Logan broke a few plates and then the camera shut off. It cut to him in the hospital with the Why Don't We boys around him.
"Logang, I was being reckless and when I broke a plate, and went to clean it up, I stepped on a big piece, and cut my foot really bad. I think I'm going to need stitches." Logan says to his vlog. He then shows his wrapped foot covered in blood.
"Boys, sing something!" Logan says. The boys start singing "Something Different" then the camera shuts off. That must've been when I started singing. It cuts to the camera being covered, and you could hear Logan and the nurse talking about his foot.
(N: Nurse L: Logan)
N: So how did you do this?
L: I accidentally broke a plate, and when I went to go clean it up, I stepped on a big piece of glass.
N: Were you wearing a backpack or something?
L: No, why?
N: Because to cut your foot like this, you'd have to have a lot of pressure on you. So you weren't holding anything?
L: No...must've just stepped the wrong way.
N: Is there something you aren't telling me, Mr. Paul?
Suddenly, the camera shuts off and cuts to after he got stitches. He was in the car, heading home(Brendon was driving) talking about random stuff, like a new Merch drop, and the 'cool bus,' whatever that is. He gets home and it cuts to him in his room. It was right after I left. He talked about a few more things, then signed off his vlog.
"If you're not part of the Logang, make sure to subscribe. Get your Merch at I love you guys and will see you tomorrow, take it easy fam PEACE!" Logan says as he shakes his head into the camera.
-End of vlog-(btw I know he doesn't upload the day he does something, but oh well 😂.)
I shut my laptop and look behind me. Logan is leaning on the wall, smiling at me.
"What?" I ask, taking off the headphones.
"You were watching my vlog." He chuckles.
"So what? You're the one that made me subscribe to you." I say.
"Well honestly, I didn't think you would watch them." He says, walking towards me with his crutches.
"I thought I'd give it a shot, I mean, it wasn't that bad." I say, standing up.
"Well thank you. But...we've got to talk." He says in a serious tone.
"W..why?" I ask.
"What happened with the boys?"
HEYOOO! This chapter was kinda short, but I don't know if you guys want it like that. Do you want shorter chapters, or is it fine the way it is? Please tell me in the comments! Bye now!! Also you may have noticed that I changed the chapter names. It's just kinda hard to make up names for a chapter. Plus, I don't want to give anything away! :]

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