Chaper 12

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Emma's POV:
"What happened with the boys?" Logan asks.
"Oh. Uh...nothing." I say.
"Nothing? You sure?" He says, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Well...they just kept asking me questions upon questions that I didn't want to answer, but they still pushed me. You need to get your friends in order." I say in a bratty tone.
"They're kids...they don't know right from wrong. I'm sure they just wanted to make sure you were okay." He explained.
We talked for a few more minutes until the pizza came and Logan put it on the counter because he got a phone call. It was from Jake. They talked for a bit about some Italy, or something. I eves dropped on their conversation for a little while longer. Jake was saying something about Italy, and Logan said he wasn't getting a 'lambo' so he wasn't going to Italy. A few minutes later, they ended the phone call. Nothing really interesting about it other than the fact Logan was totally lying to Jake. I don't know why, but I have this weird sixth sense, where I can tell when people are lying. Even if they're amazing liars, I can still tell.
"So should I go pack my stuff now?" I ask Logan, who turns to face me.
"What are you talking about?" He asks.
"You were obviously lying to Jake. I don't know what this whole 'Lamborghini' thing is, but you were 100% lying when you said you weren't going to Italy." I explain.
"How'd you know? I just said I wasn't." He asked confused.
"It's this weird thing where I can tell when people are lying. Kind of a gift, kind of sucks as well." I say.
"Okay Noted. Don't ever lie to you." He chuckles and walks into the kitchen.
"So when are we leaving?" I ask.
"Well Jake is going over there today, so maybe tomorrow? I'm not sure. Oh uh by the way, wanna go hang out today? Just the two of us?" He asks.
"Yeah sure...oh um how's your foot by the way?" I ask checking the time on my phone.
"Oh it's better, It kinda stings, but I seriously don't think the crutches are necessary." He says and removes the crutches from under his arms.
"See I'm perfectly fine." He says as he walks around on the floor.
"Okay well, be careful and we better get going, it's already 5:24 pm." I say, and get up.
"Yea, lets go." He says and grabs his keys:

We get in the car and start driving.
"Where are we going anyways?" I ask.
"Well, we are going to my favorite place to eat, and then we might go to Venice Beach. When we get back, I have to do my vlog while it's daylight, so we might not be able to spend that much time out there, Okay?" He says.
"Okay, that's fine. I'm excited! I've never been to the beach before." I squeal.
"Oh well, I'm glad I can let you experience it." He says and smiles widely.
"What's your vlog about anyways?" I ask.
"Oh, some dude e-mailed me about Kong, and how I'm 'breaking plates to close to him' or some bs like that. When I read it, I got an animator to come up with a cartoon for's hilarious." He explains.
"Can I watch it?" I ask.
"Yea sure, just go to my email." He says. I get on his phone and tap on the 'email' app. The first thing I see is the video link, so I click on it. I watch it, and it's actually kind of sad. I love Kong, and if that ever happened, I don't know how I'd live.
"If you actually did that to Kong, I think I'd have to kill you." I jokingly say.
"I think he'd beat you to it." He says as we both laugh. I look to my right, and see we're on Hollywood boulevard. I notice a girl with a 'Logang 4 Life' t-shirt on. I recognize her....that's Tory! And she's with someone....Wait. Is that...Liam?
"Logan pull over." I say abruptly.
"What why?" He asks.
"Just pull over!" I command, and he does so. I hop out of the Yeti and yell their names.
"Emma?" Liam asks. I run into his arms and hug him tight. I back away from the embrace and look at Tory. Her jaw dropped when she saw who I was with.
"YOU KNOW HIM?!??" She yells.
"Well...I'm kind of his adoptive daughter now." I say.
She covers her mouth with her hands, and looks like she's about to cry.
"Logan, hi nice to meet you, I'm Tory, Emmas acquaintance, and this is my brother, Liam." She says very excitedly.
"Hello, nice to meet you." He says. "Em, we gotta go, sorry. We're on a tight schedule."
"Oh okay...well it was nice seeing you guys again. Especially you Liam. Here's my number if you wanna call or text me." I say, and show them my phone.
"I told you it would work out." Liam says, and grins. I nod my head, then hop back into the Yeti.

     "Why don't we listen to some music." Logan says, then giggles at himself afterwards.
"Okay." I say, and put the cd into the CD player. The first song that comes on is, "Why Don't We Just."
"I love this song!" I exclaim, and start singing along. Logan laughs at my fan girly ness. I can't help it though...They are like brothers to me, and I've only known them for one day. Not even a minute later, Logan pulls to the side of the road, and parks in front of something called, "Body Energy Club." Logan quickly gets out of the Yeti and runs inside.
"Someone's eager to get a smoothie." I say to myself.

HEEEYYYOOO! In the next chapter they're going to go to Venice beach...and I might be able to squeeze the airplane ride to Italy in there too! Bye now, hope you enjoyed!!! :)

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