Chapter 33

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Emma's POV:
"EMMA IM BACK!" Zach yells as he barges through the door. I hide in Evans closet crying, not wanting to face anyone.

"Emma?" Zach asks. I hear his footsteps go all around the apartment. I can't face him. I can't just act like nothing happened.

"I got Taco Bell." He says. For a few minutes, he walks around the place looking for me, but with no luck.

"What did one ocean say to the other ocean?" He asks. What is he up to?

"Nothing. He just waved." Zach jokes. I can't help but let out a small laugh, which blows my cover.

"Haha, I found you! Now come stuff your face with Taco Bell." He says and helps me up out of the dark closet.

"Oh by the way, I ran into Jack on the way here. He looked pretty mad. You know what that's about?" He asks.

" No, no I don't." I say and sniffle.

"Hey, are you okay?" Zach asks and looks down at my sleeve, that has blood on it. Damn it. I thought I cleaned it up well.

"Oh, I just scratched myself earlier. Nothing too bad." I lie.

"Let me see." He says.

"Excuse me?" I ask. What do I do?

"Roll your sleeve up." He says biting into a quesadilla.

"Why?" I ask.

"To make sure your cut won't get infected or anything. It's got a lot of blood coming out." He explains.

"Zach, I'm fine." I say.

"Sure." Zach says sarcastically and rolls his eyes. Quickly he grabs my arm and rolls up the sleeve.

"Zach!" I exclaim.

"Emma!" He says wide-eyed at my scars. I tightly shut my eyes and look away.

"Em...whats this about? Why did this." He asks.

"Zach seriously. I'm okay. Just, please don't tell Logan." I beg.

"I won't, but Emma you can't keep doing this. You should come to me if you are having a hard time. I'm only one call away." He says.

"I'll be there to save the day." I say and chuckle through tears. Zach gives me a questioning look, then catches on to what I was doing.

"Super man got nothin on me." Zach sings.

"I'm only one call away." I continue. We keep going until we finish the song.

"Thanks Zach...I really needed that." I say and hug him.

"No problem. I got to get home to the boys. I'll text you to see how Daniel is doing." He says.

"Okay. Don't tell Daniel about this either. I don't want him to feel like this was his fault." I say.

"Who's fault was it then?" Zach asks.

"Mine. Now, go home. It's getting late." I say.

-The Next Day-

I wake up to my phone ringing. I look and see it's from Zach.

"Hey." I groan as I stretch my arm out.

"Hey Em. Did I wake you up?" He asks.

"Yeah, but it's fine. I needed to get up anyways. How's Daniel?" I ask.

"He's...well. He's....I don't know. I tried telling him that he's just your friend from your orphanage like you told me, but he said you were lying to me, and not to believe you." He explains.

"Oh..." I say.

"Yeah. Jack is acting weird. I don't know what it is. I asked him last night when I got home why he was so mad. He asked me if you had told me anything, and I asked him what he was talking about. Em, What was he talking about?" Zach asks.

"Uh...I'm not sure." I lie.

"Emma. Tell me." He demands.

"Seriously, it's nothing. If you really want to know, ask Jack." I say as the door bell rings. "I've got to get that, bye Zach."

"Bye Em. Be careful." He says. I hang up and walk to the door and open it.

"Emma?" A boy asks.

"Yes, that's me. Who are you?" I ask. I admire the boys features. Brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, a small gap between his teeth.

"Uh, we've never met before. My name's Noah." He says. Noah? As brother Noah?

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Because my grandparents threw me out. They said I was useless." Noah explains. I look to his left and see a small suit case.

"How old are you? You must be like 9 or something." I say, crouching down to his level and touching his face.

"Yeah, I'm nine. And you must be my sister." He smiles.

"That's me." I say, choking up. "How did you find me?"

"Mimi and PopPop told me that you lived here. How they knew, im not sure. I just followed the address." Noah explains.

"Well, I'm not sure how Logan is going to react..." I say.

"How I'll react to what?" Logan asks as he comes up behind me.

"Wait...LOGAN PAUL ADOPTED YOU?!" Noah screams.

"Hey kid, be quiet! We don't want all of America to hear. Now, who are you, and why are you here?" Logan asks.

"Oh I'm Emma's brother." Noah says. Logans eyes widened as he crossed his tense arms.

"B-brother?" Logan asks.

"You know the story..with my biological mom and dad." I say.

"Emma, a word?" Logan asks as he pulls me over to the kitchen.

"What?" I ask.

"He can't stay here. As much as I want him to, I have a job and I'm always busy. I can't take care of two kids. I'm sorry." Logan apologizes.

"Logan, I'm not asking you to adopt him or anything. Can he just stay here until we can find him a home...please?" I beg.

"Fine." Logan huffs as he takes Noah's suitcase.

This should be fun...

Word Count: 955

Sup? Just another chapter for u guys. Hope u liked it :)

Peace! ✌🏻

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