Chapter 83

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Daniels POV:

We make our way down the busy street of Broadway, looking for anywhere to hang out. We finally find an apartment building with music blaring, annoying the neighbors who are trying to sleep. There are some people outside, a few making out, others just sitting and talking, most passed out on the front lawn.

"Let's go!" Emma exclaims, pulling my hand like a kid going into a candy shop. We find our way inside, the smoky apartment building making it harder to see. It smells like piss and alcohol, which is probably exactly what it is. This is not my definition of fun.

We find the food and drink bar and hang out there. Emma gets a red solo cup and pours her some spiked punch.

"Hey"-I say reaching for her hand-"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Daniel, I'm here to have fun. Live a little." She says and chugs the drink. I can tell she hates it by the way her face reacted.

"Oh my god! You're Daniel Seavey!" A group of three girls comes up to us. They're around my age, maybe older.

"And you're the girl from the Invitation video!" Another points out.

"Can we get a picture?!" The third asks, holding out a phone.

Emma's POV:

"Sure!" Daniel says, wrapping his hands around one of the girls waists. I want this night to be over. I don't want to remember it. So I take another drink. And another. And another. I keep convincing myself it will be the last one, but I know I'm lying to myself. At least I can forget.

Daniels POV:


I make my way around the vaped-up apartment looking for Emma. I haven't seen her in a while. I hope she's okay.

"Hey Daaaaniel." One of the girls from earlier says. She's cute, but no way I'd ever date her. I'm still not over Emma.

"Hey." I say, drinking a bottled water.

"You know, I've heard rumors you're good in bed so I just wanted to know-"

"No! I'm sorry but I'm not interested." I say and walk away. I walk into the kitchen, which is one of the worst rooms. People taking body shots, giving lap dances, and other sexual activities I'm not going to go into detail with.

"Emma!?" I yell, trying to find her. I've already gotten puked on by some drunk dude and we've been here for at least two hours, so I want to leave.

I head for the bathroom, but there seems to be a couple 'doing it' on the floor, so I'm just going to hold it. I turn around and see Emma stumbling towards me.

"Emma! Thank god, where the hell have you been?" I ask, grabbing her.

"No wherrrr." She slurs.

"Are you drunk?!"

"Nah. I'm juss a lil bit tirrre that all." She says and makes a hand gesture saying that she is clueless.

"Tell me the truth." I demand.

"Okay." She says and pulls me closer. "I might be a little drunk." She whispers then shushes me.

"Emma, we've got to get you home." I say.

"No. You know, there's an empty bedrooom if maybe you wanna, you know..have sex" She giggles, whispering the last part.

"Emma, no way! You're going home right now."

"Oh come on! Live a lil bit! Here, I'll teach you. Put one hand here, and one hand here." She says drunkly, placing my hand on her breast.

"Emma! Stop, now. I'm not having sex with you."

"Awe, what's the matter?" Emma asks, Puckering her bottom lip and moving closer to me. "You have had sex before....right?" She tries to flirt. Her hand moves from my chest, down further until she reaches-"Emma!"

"Don't be such a pussy!" She says. There's a small crowd around us now.

"What has gotten into you?!" I yell, lightly pushing her away.

"Stop being such a fucking bitch." She exclaims.

"Whatever. I'm getting out of here. Good luck finding a ride home." I say and roll my eyes. As I walk out feeling guilty, the sense of fresh air relives me. I have to get out of here.

Word Count: 695

HEEEEYYYYYOOOOO DUCKLINGSSSSS! I'm freaking tired and I'm bouta go to sleep. Guys I just got to tell you...My boyfriend is literally the best. He's so cute and nice and I love him soooo muchhh!!! 😍 Do you guys feel that way about your bf/gf??? Anywhoooo kinda proud of myself for updating today😂 AND GUYS! PLEASE STOP SAYING HOW MUCH YOU HATE DANIEL IN THE COMMENTS!!! I agree, you have your opinions, and I LOVE to hear them, but we all know by the end of the book you will love him again. Just gotta give him time!!Today's s/o's are SophiaTomasich and reyloiscannon!!! Thanks for the support love you guy soooo much!!!❤️


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