Chapter 66

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Emma's POV:

"So, where to first?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." Daniel says while pushing my wheelchair.

"Ugh, you're such a tease." I moan.

"Okay, I guess since I get on your nerves that much, I'll just turn you right around and walk you back to your house." Daniel jokes.

"No! No...please." I laugh. God, this boy makes my heart jump out of my chest.

"Okay. We'll keep going." Daniel smiles.


"Where are we?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"You'll see." Daniel says as he lifts me by my waist and carefully puts me in my wheelchair. As he's pushing me, all I see is the stars in the sky. Millions of them. I've always been really interested in astronomy, but never got the chance to learn it because I've never gone to school. When I was young, my mother home schooled me, and the orphanage had classes. But I've never been to public school. I admire the stars and try to point out constellations. I've memorized almost every one of them. As I'm looking, I notice a series of stars that make me smile. My mom would always take me up to the roof of my house and point out the Pisces constellation. That was my mother's, and my, zodiac sign. She told me to cherish it because being a Pisces means that you express love and compassion, even when people don't treat you the same way. That's why I always still loved my dad. Even though he beat me, almost killed me, I still loved him. Because at the end of the day, he was the one hurting the most.

Daniels POV:

I wish I could tell you what she was thinking about. Her eyes were fixated on stars as she began to cry.

"What's wrong?!" I ask. She snaps out of her thoughts and looks at me.

"Look at the sky. It's beautiful." She admires. How can someone love something as simple as the sky. "That series of stars right there," She points, "that's Pisces."

"Where is Aries?" I ask. Her pupils move around the stars, unraveling them like a word search.

"There." She points again. I look up to see nothing. Something easy for her comes so complicated for me.

"I don't see it."

"Look carefully. Stare at the brightest star you can see, and drown out all of the others. From there, move in a northwest line, to the next brightest star. Then from there, go slightly southwest. Lastly, go even more southwest the the brightest star. And boom. There's Aries." She explains. (I know I missed a couple of stars, but oh well)

"I see it." I smile.

"So, back to our date." She laughs.

"Oh, yeah." I chuckle. "Actually, this evening is all about stars."

"Really?" She asks excitedly.

"Yep." I say. I roll her over a hill, revealing a willow tree with pixie lights dangling from each long leaf that arcs downward. Underneath, lies a classic red and white plaid blanket. Awaiting is a picnic basket and telescope. Corbyn, Zach, and Jonah are there. I hired them to sing for us. They wanted money, but I told them to do it for Emma and not for me, and of course they said okay.

"Daniel...I love it. It's beautiful." She gasps. I wheel her down to the picnic and help her out of her chair.

"Good evening. We are serving ham and cheese sandwiches, our most fine bottle of Welches Sparkling White Grape Juice(not sponsored), grapes, hand picked straight from Walmart, cheese-it's, because it's the only chips we had in our pantry, and lastly for dessert, hostess ding-dongs." Zach explains. I give him a death stare as Emma laughs.

"You were supposed to make a good meal." I say.

"You should've expected this. None of us can cook other than you and Jack. But y'all were gone, so we had to make a quick pit stop at Walmart." Corbyn shrugs. I put my head in my hands and shake my head.

"This is not happening." I sigh.

"The only thing we are capable of doing is singing, so we're gonna go do that. Bye." Jonah says as he steps back and they start playing "Nobody Gotta Know" by...well, us.

"It's alright Dani. I don't expect a big fancy meal. As long as I'm with you, I would eat anything." She smiles.

"Awwwe. That was so cheesy." Zach says and puts his hand in his heart.

"Just sing dingbat." I roll my eyes playfully.


The night was actually great. Emma and I talked and talked for hours. We sang along to the boys, looked through the telescope a lot. Emma taught me almost every constellation. I'm not complaining though. Eventually, the guys got bored of our cheesy pick up lines and left. Which was actually better, to get some alone time with her.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." She smiles.

"I'm glad you're not dead." I say. I instantly regret that. "I didn't mean it like tha-"

"It's okay. I'm glad I'm not dead either." She giggles. There is a moment of sad silence, like we both want to say something.

"I came everyday." I say, getting her attention. "I came to your bed everyday and sang to you. For three weeks. Then I gave up..." There's a pause for a second until she whispers something inaudible.


"I heard." She says louder, "Every song. Every word. Every beat, every line, every verse. And every time I would scream your name. Scream for you to listen. I heard you. And it hurt so bad to listen to you talk to yourself the way you did. Daniel, I wanted to reach out and touch you, but I couldn't. I was trapped in a black hole, not able to move or get out. Everyday, I heard the hurt in your voice. It got deeper and deeper until it completely consumed you. Then, you stopped coming to the hospital. Days got longer and nights were harder. I struggled to keep hope. Maybe you got a cold. Or maybe you were just a little busy. But I remembered what you said; 'I've given up Em. I can't do it. I've stopped eating. Man, you'd hate me. I don't know how long you're going to be. The first few weeks I thought, 'she'll get through this. Keep your hope up.' And then you never did. What else am I supposed to think? I'll never see you again. I might not come as often anymore. Tour is starting soon. We have a new song, you know, the one I showed you last week. Yeah. Emma, I'm not healthy and I know it. But everything I do reminds me of you. My songbook, my phone, any food I eat, and even my own damn bed. It has an imprint from where you used to sleep. I sleep on the couch now. I can't stand it em, you not being here. And I don't know what I'm supposed to do...' You said before walking out. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't."

" did you remember that?" I ask in amazement. She was spot on. Those exact words that came out of my mouth.

"I remembered everything. Every song you sang me. I know the hardest one for you to do was "Say Something." That was the day before you left. You were crying. It was the first time I knew it had really gotten to you." She explains.

"I'm so sorry. If I knew you could hear me...I would've stayed. I wouldn't have walked out. I would've kept singing. But..." I sigh.

"But, you didn't." She finishes.

Word Count: 1260

HEYO! 2 updates in one day! Go me!! Well, not really, because it's 12:58, but oh well, it's counts in my book. Okay, bye now!

What ridiculous thing did you believe as a kid? (For example, I used to think that when movies on TV didn't have color, the world was black and white too.)


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