Chapter 44

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Emma's POV:

I run into the almost too familiar hospital and look around for anyone that can tell me where Logan, Zach, and Daniel are.

"Ms. Paul. Nice to see you again." A friendly voice says.

"Oh, hi Dr. Conley." I greet.

"Hello Emma, how are you?" He asks.

"Well, My dad, my boyfriend, and my best friend got into a car wreck. I don't know where they are. Could you help me?" I ask.

"Of course! Mr. Paul is in room 215. Daniel Seavey is in room 431 and Zachary Herron is in room 119." He reads off of a clipboard.

"Thank you so much!" I say and tug at Jacks hand. The three boys follow me.

"Who's room are we going to?" Jonah asks.

"Well, I feel we should split up. Corbyn, you come with me to Logans room. Jack go to Daniels. Jonah go to Zach's." I direct. I tell them the room numbers and we split up. I go to the second floor and find Logans room. Before I go in, I knock.

"Logan?" I approach.

"Em, Hey." He smiles.

"I was so scared. I'm glad you're okay." I sigh.

"I was too. The thought of never seeing you again wanted me to push through." Logan says.

"Awe thanks bro!" Corbyn jokes. I playfully hit his shoulder and laugh.

"How is Daniel and Zach?" Logan asks.

"I haven't seen them yet." I say. Logan nods his head.

"I seriously thought I was gonna lose you." I choke up and place my hand on his.(In a non weird way😂)

"Em, don't cry. You're going to make me cry." Logan chuckles.

"Sorry." I sniffle and wipe the tears away.

"I love you Em." Logan smiles.

"I love you" Logans face gets brighter as he smiles.

"Go see Dani. I'll talk to you later." Logan says. I nod my head and leave Corbyn and him talking.

I go to the fourth floor then make my way to his room. When I walk in, I see Zach, Jonah, and Jack helping Daniel walk with some kind of cane.

"Dani?" I ask as tears run down my face. He looks up and almost starts crying too. I run into his arms and hug him tightly.

"Em, I missed you." He says.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." I cry.

"I'm sorry I scared you." Daniel apologizes.

"Don't apologize. None of this was your fault." I whisper. We stand there for another minute until Zach coughs. I let go of the embrace and look at Zach.

"Sorry." I laugh.

"It's fine." He smiles and hugs me.

"When do you guys get out of here?" Jack asks.

"I'm not sure. The doctors didn't tell us." Daniel shrugs.

"I hate this place." I frown.

"But it's where we met." Daniel says.

"Oh yeah." I laugh. "It's not so bad after all."

-The Next Day-

I wake up next to Daniel in his hospital bed. His arm is draped over my waist and his head is nuzzled into my neck. I could stay here forever.

"Ms. Paul?" A nurse asks as she walks through he door and ruins the silence. "I'm sorry, but I need you to move so I can change Mr. Seavey's IV." I nod my head and get up. I walk out of the room and go to Logans room.

"Hey Log-I" I smile as I walk in to see Brendon, Logan, and Jake talking.

"Hey Em." Jake greets.

"Oh, hi Jake." I say. "Hi Brendon." He waves then goes back to talking. Okaaaay. They obviously don't want me in here. I leave and go down to Zach's room only to find it empty. I walk up to a nurse making the bed.

"What happened to Zach?" I ask.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Herron? He was signed out a few minutes ago." The nurse smiles. I turn around and go into the waiting room. All the boys are in there.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." All of them say in unison.

"Want to see the cutest picture ever?" Corbyn asks me. I nod my head. He pulls up a picture on his phone of Daniel and I sleeping. In that picture, my face is buried into his chest and his hand is on the bottom of my back.

"Can you send that to me?" I ask. He nods his head and sits down in a chair.

-An Hour Later-

Daniels POV:

"You're free to go. Make sure you get as much rest as possible and try not to walk on your ankle. That sprain was pretty bad." A nurse says. I nod my head and ask her,

"Do you know where Emma went?"

"The girl you were sleeping with? She went down to the waiting room." She directs. I go down to the waiting room and see Emma and the boys talking.

"Hey." I interrupt.

"Hey." Emma smiles. I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Awwwwweeeee." Zach coos. Emma turns around and hugs me. I caress the back of her head and kiss her forehead.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you more." I smirk.

"I don't think that's possible." She giggles.

"Oh, it totally is." I smile. She looks up at me just long enough so I can steal a kiss.

"Is it weird that we are standing here and watching this?" Jonah asks.

"I need a girlfriend." Jack groans.

"I have one, but she lives in New York." Corbyn frowns. (Corbyn and Christina got back together those two months)

"Don't worry guys. You'll all eventually have girlfriends. I'm just lucky enough to have one now." I laugh.

"Guys..." Emma says. We all turn to her with a questioning look.

"Happy Birthday Corbyn." Emma smiles. Jack, Zach, Jonah, and I look at each other in dismay.

"Thanks Em. By the way, it's okay that you guys forgot. I understand." Corbyn says.

"We forgot the gifts at home."I state.

"It's alright. You guys can give them to me at my party." Corbyn replies. We all nod our heads.

"Go, Go, Go!" Dr. Conley yells at nurses that start flooding through the hallway.

"What's happening?" I ask him.

"Mr. Paul is having a seizure!" Dr. Conley exclaims and runs down the hallway.

Word Count: 1051

HEEEYEYYYYYOOOOOO! Wow this chapter was something. Anyways, I hope you ducklings have a good day! :)

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