Chapter 100! (Part 1)

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Daniels POV:

We get to the cemetery where she's being buried. All of this just final.

The priest says his speech and the time came. The casket comes and is set on some contraption and is slowly lowered into the ground. Corbyn and Jonah both wrap their arms around me, Logan having his hand on my shoulder. Inside, it feels like a river. Everything's rushing inside my head. Whether I should sorrow, or be happy that she doesn't have to be on this God forsaken Earth anymore. I feel like I am crying, I just ran out of water in my system my body has physically allowed me to stop. I let out a long sob as they lower her into the ground. As if almost the sky can feel my pain, it starts to rain. There's a light thunder in the distance. Everyone holds up umbrellas, but not me, nor Logan. We're to the point where we don't care. We don't care if our clothes get a little wet. We're used to our tears soaking into the fabric. We don't care that there's mud all over our nice shoes. We'd run through mountains of mud if it meant that Emma could be alive. And we don't mind if people judge us. We're just feeling what Emma always felt.

I look over to Logan and feel what he's feeling. I pity him. Losing the one you love, that's heart-shattering, but losing your child? That's something you never come back from. I know that I'll blame myself for the rest of my life, but I'm still young. I have the rest of my life ahead of me. Logan? When you have a child, you don't have time for yourself anymore. All your time, love, and effort goes to them. I'm not saying that having a lover is any different, it's just more emotionally hard to get over. If I could take it back I would. I'd take back ever meeting her.I'd take away all the good times we had together. All the laughs. Falling so in love we never come back. I'd sacrifice all of it. Because it means she'd be alive. If it weren't for me...she'd...she'd be alive.

Some people go around and pour dirt on top of her casket. Slowly the love of my life slips away from me. When it's finished, everyone pays their respects then leaves to get out of the rain.

The six of us just stand there. Not saying anything, but just thinking. Taking all of this in.

"It's my fault." I whisper.


"No Jonah." I cut him off. "If she would've never met me. If I didn't invite her to this stupid concert..she would...she would be alive right now."

"I would be dead if it weren't for her." Jack speaks out.

"She didn't deserve this." I say.

"Oh, and Jack does?" Corbyn asks.

"Don't try to turn this around on me!" I argue.

"Daniel, we cant do anything about it now. She's dead. She's gone forever!" Zach raises his voice. There's a long pause before Logan says,

"If you're going to put something on her gravestone, you should do it now. The rain is going to come harder soon." He talks blankly.

Zach goes up and puts a Rose.
"Thank you, for letting me overcome my insecurities." He whispers.

Corbyn puts a Teddy Bear.
"Thank you for uncovering my true self."

Jonah walks up and sets down an Emu plushy.
"Thank you for always knowing just what to say."

Jack puts down a peppermint.
"Thank you, for saving my life."

Finally, I walk up. I put down a box. It's all of the things from our dates. Some ticket stubs, the promise ring I had gotten her, a few toys, and cards. And the picture of us sleeping in the hospital. I kept all of this stuff..just for memory. But, I have to let go...

"Thank you." I cry. "For..."

"It's okay Daniel.." Jonah says, rubbing my back.

"For making my life worth living. For not giving up on me. For all the times you could've easily walked away but you stayed strong...for me. Thank you for letting me realize what true love really is." I barely get out.

"Could you give me a moment alone?" Logan asks. We all walk away and wait a few yards away from Logan.

Logan's POV:

"Emma...God I wish I could've been a better dad. I wish I would've stayed with you. I feel like I was just a background character that you only saw on occasions. You told me not to blame myself, but how can I not? I wasn't even there to protect you. I shouldn't have...I could've saved you...." I fall to my knees at the foot of her grave. "Before I adopted you, I was selfish. And rude and stupid and ignorant. I was so caught up in living life to the fullest. I made idiotic spontaneous decisions. I still did after I adopted you. But after a while I realized, 'who will be there for her if I get hurt?' 'Who will protect her when I'm gone?' That's part of the reason I laid low on YouTube for a while...Emma, I didn't think I was ever going to be capable of love. I could never get attached to anyone. Of course, I'd die for my family, but who wouldn't? But with friends and girls, even celebrities, I never could seem to find the connection. Then I adopted you, and I finally got it. What love feels like. I feel like for a long while I never wanted to get hurt, so I never let anyone close to hurt I know why. I just..never thought that having a daughter would bring me so much thank you Emma...for showing me there's more to life than just fame." I stand up and walk away, passing the boys.


"I'll be okay." I cut Jonah off. I turn around and try my hardest to smile, but I can't.

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