Chapter 43

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Emma's POV:

I take the phone from Jonah and talk to Zach.

"Zach, what happened?!" I ask and put it on speaker.

"I-I-I Don't kn-know! An eighteen wheeler just came out of no where!" Zach cries.

"Are you Okay?" Corbyn asks.

"Well, not really. I think I broke my wrist." Zach moans in pain.

"W-where's Daniel? Logan?" I worry.

"T-they are still in the car. I can't get to them. I'm not sure if they are okay." Zach stresses.

"Where are you?" Jack asks and grabs his keys.

"I don't know...try tracking my IPhone. Wait, I hear the ambulance!" Zach yells.

"Stay on the phone with us!" Jonah exclaims as we jump in the car.

"I'll track him!" I announce while tears come down my cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry...they will be okay." Jack says and wipes my tears away.

"What if they aren't? My boyfriend and dad could be dead because of me!" I cry. Corbyn and Jonah turn around with an astound expression. Jack has the same one slathered on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"You just called Logan dad..." Corbyn explains.

"This isn't important! Let's go!" I exclaim. Jonah pulls out of my driveway and to where Zach and the boys were located. Once we get there, I jump out of the car and run to the smashed challenger that is upside down.

"DANIEL! LOGAN!" I yell as I get pulled away by a fire fighter.

"Miss you can't go over there." The man says.

"Let me go! My boyfriend and dad are in there!" I cry. Jack, Corbyn, and Jonah help the man pull me back. I look a little to my left and see Zach crying in the back of a ambulance. The door is open, and nurses are helping his wrist. My heart breaks more.

I use all of the strength I have to get out of the guy's grips and then through paramedics and police officers. I run to Zach and wrap my arms around him as tightly as possible.

"Emma." Zach sniffles.

"Zach I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I cry into his chest.

"No it's not. You couldn't predict this was going to happen." Zach says.

"Ma'am you can't be over here." One of the paramedics informs.

"Can I just have a few minutes?" I ask. She nods and goes back to checking Zach's blood pressure.

"I shouldn't have let you leave." I mourn.

"Hey, look at me." Zach commands. "Whatever happens is not your fault." I hug him again, then get kicked out by police officers. We wait there a few minutes until something finally happens.

"We got him!" A fire fighter yells. I snap my head towards the trampled car and see Daniel getting assistance. I slightly smile knowing that I'll be able to kiss him again.

Once he's fully out of the car, his eyes make their way towards mine. He closes his eyes and shakes his head. What does that mean?

A few officers start talking to each other and point to the car. Why isn't Logan out yet?

"Do any of you have a relation to a man with blonde hair that was driving this vehicle?" The same firefighter that pulled me away a few minutes ago asks.

"I-I'm his daughter." I shake.

"Well, I'm so sorry, but we can't get him out unless he wakes up, and I don't think he's waking up anytime soon. We've gone through every solution, but there isn't anyway of getting him out unless he doesn't feel it. We would have to cut the door off of the car, and pull the metal rod out of his leg. But if we do that, he will bleed out." The man explains. I cry into Jonah's chest.

"There's no other way?" Jack asks. The man shakes his head.

"DAD! DAD! WAKE UP! PLEASE, PLEASE, WAKE UP!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Logans POV:

I wake up with blurry vision and a ringing in my ear. What happened? I was vlogging one second, and the next..I look down at my leg and scream in pain. There is a metal pole through it. What the fuck happened?!

"DAD! DAD! WAKE UP! PLEASE, PLEASE, WAKE UP!" I hear. Is that Emma? Did she just call With Emma in my mind, I kick the door open with my left leg.

"Sir, are you alright?" A firefighter asks.

"Do you think I'm okay?! I have a fucking pole going through my thigh!" I exclaim.

"LOGAN!" Jack yells. I look up and see him, Emma, Jonah, and Corbyn standing there. I flash a quick-yet painful-smile and wave. Firefighters surround me and pull me out carefully. I yell in pain as the pole shifts.

"Paramedics!" One of the men yells. Some nurses come over to help me and bring me to the back of an ambulance next to Zach and Daniel.

"I'm sorry boys. This is my fault." I apologize.

"No it's not. That truck came out of no where." Daniel says. I nod my head as they take us three to the hospital.

Word Count: 861

A/N: HEYOOO sorry this chapter kinda sucked :/ I said it would be long, but I didn't know how to go on with it...anyways, BYEEEEE

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