Chapter 67

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Emma's POV:

After our picnic, Daniel and I decided we just wanted to go to his house.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Daniel asks.

"Sure, why not?" I say as I roll into his living room with my wheelchair. As he turns off the lights, I pick the movie we want to watch. We decided to go with Guardians of the Galaxy 2. A few minutes into the movie, I heard something move behind me. Daniel already fell asleep. He did have a big day....I love you with all my heart. I gently kiss him on the head and roll myself to the kitchen. As I'm rummaging through the fridge, a voice says,

"All the good stuff is in the pantry."

"What the-"

"Hey." Jack smiles and waves.

"Jack, you scared the hell out of me." I sigh.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"So. How was your date?" I ask.

"It went...okay.." Jack says, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She stood me up.." He admits.

"She What?! Are you serious?" I whisper-yell.

"Yeah, I'm serious. Let's not make it a big deal. I'm already embarrassed enough. On another note; how was your date?" Jack asks.

"Really good. Daniel and I had a really romantic picnic earlier. We were gonna watch a movie, but he fell asleep five minutes in." I snicker.

"Classic Daniel. Well, I'm going to go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning?" He says, but more of in a question form, wondering if I was going to stay the night.

"Yeah, but Jack?" I ask as he's taking his first steps up the stairs.


"Will you help me get up to you and Dani's room?" I ask.

"Of course." He smiles.

Jack's POV:

I pick her up out of her wheelchair and carry her up the stairs. I went slow so I could admire her features up close. Her arms are wrapped around my head and her face is burrowed into my chest. She must've been really tired, because she fell asleep as soon as she got into my arms.

The truth is, Tory didn't stand me up. I told her I was interested in someone else. I keep debating with myself that I don't like her. I can't like her. It's Daniel's girlfriend for crying out loud! I can't like Emma! But everything about so perfect. When you're talking to her, she looks off to the side so there's no weird eye contact. And when she eats, she covers her mouth with her hand. She says, 'it makes her look ugly.' But, who is she kidding? Nothing could make her ugly. I think the thing I love most about her is her laugh. It's more contagious than the Flu. Her laugh isn't high pitched, nor deep. It's like...imagine a bunny and a puppy had a hybrid baby: that's Emma. She's just so lovable. I just want to hug her and never let go. But I can't. She's with someone else. And that happens to be my best friend.

I can't stop thinking about her letter she sent me before she OD'd. She said she felt safe with me. That car ride could've been the last time I ever saw her. What happened in that car, stays in that car. I've repeated this to myself many times. I've wanted to bring it up to her, but never is a good time. She's always at rehab or with Daniel and I can't say anything. I can never say anything...

"Jack...?" Emma whispers. I look down with worry.


"Why did you stop?" She asks. I look down and realize I'm only half way up the stairs. How long have I been standing here for?

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." I say and continue back up the stairs. Once I reach Daniel and I's room, I set her down on his bed and tuck her in.

"Goodnight." I say and kiss her forehead. After, I lay in my own bed.

"Goodnight." She responds. And after a long pause continues, "I love you Noodles." My heart flutters, only to be shut down by my brain, knowing it's only a friendly gesture.

"I love you too Em." I smile and drift off to sleep.

Word Count: 691

HELLO! I just spent 3 days at the beach and that's why I didn't upload. I was busy and I'm sorry! Anyway, how do you guys feel about Jack having a major crush on Emma? Do you think he should tell her, or not?? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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