Chapter 4

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Logan's POV-
After the girl left, I really didn't have anything else to do. It's sad, I lived with her for one day, and I never got her name. I thought of how much I liked having a kid around, even if they are bossy. I also thought about what the girl might be doing right now. Sitting on the street? Walking down Hollywood Boulevard? Only god knew where she was, and I wanted to find her. But knew I couldn't.
     I decided to call my manager Jeff, and ask him a few questions.
"Hey Logan, what's up?" He asks.
"Jeff..I have something to ask you, and don't freak out, okay?" I say.
"Suuuuure." Jeff says unsurely.
"How....much do you think it is to adopt a child...?" I ask hesitantly.
"Well, I'm pretty sure we already know the answer to that, but I just..thought about it, For a long time. I think I'm ready to be a dad." I say.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"Logan, you are NOT ready to be a dad. You're 22, single, and have no experience with children." He said.
"Hey I do too have experience! I've babysat my brother for most of his life." I say.
"Yea, but that's different. You didn't baby sit him until you were old enough to, and by then, he wasn't a baby anymore. He's only two years younger than you." Jeff explained.
"But...I really want a kid. It doesn't even have to be a baby. It could be a 17 year old for all I care. I just want to be able to love something. And...great vlog content!" I say.
"Look Logan, if you think you are ready, which you aren't, I say go for it. If you can't handle the pressure, you can always take it back." He says.
I talk with Jeff for a while about business stuff and meetings. After we get off the phone, I decide to go to the orphanage in Hollywood (not the one Emma is in). It's a pretty nice one with a lot of kids. A lady greeted with a smile that looks in her mid-30's. I looked around and admired the ostentatious wallpaper. I walk up to her, and greet her.
"Hello, welcome to Hollywood Boulevard Orphanage, how may I help you?" She asks.
"Um...hey. I don't really know what I'm doing here." I laugh. "I kinda want a kid, but honestly, I'm too irresponsible." The lady gives me a weird look.
I'm still not sure if I even want a kid or not, but I decide to look around anyways.
"So I'll guide you around real quick. What age group are you looking for?" She asks.
"I'm not really sure..." I say as I look around. I feel a tug on my leg and look down. A little boy is pulling my pant leg, trying to get my attention.
"Hey little man, what's up." I say, smiling at him. He didn't respond.
"This is Michael." The lady says. "Sadly, he's deaf and can't hear what you're saying.
"Is that why...?"
"Yep. His parents didn't want a deaf child, so they gave him away." The woman says.
"That's so sad." I say looking at the boy. I suddenly get a call from Mark.
"Oh hi mark." I say playfully. The lady walks away, with Micheal not wanting to bud in.
"Hey dude...kylie is coming wanna come over too?" He asks.
I face towards a T.V. Hung up In the corner of the room and say, "Hey dude. I'm not really sure yet. Depends how my day goes. Anyways, how was your day?" I ask. Mark rambles on as I watch the TV. I tune out Mark and listen carefully.
News cast member- Hello everyone! Today someone finally caught the 15 year old girl, who ran away from her orphanage. The person that found her got a $5,000 reward. Here's a picture of the fugitive, Emma L. Benson. She's now back at her old orphanage in Beverly Hills.
"Logan?! Hello?!!!!" Mark yells.
"Oh uh...sorry Mark I gotta go..." I say, hanging up the phone.
I get in the Yeti as fast as possible, and look up the address to the orphanage. I sped a little, somehow thinking that would help.
Emma's POV-
I wake up, being hit by whips. I start crying, as I'm being forced to wake up. One lady that whipped me handed me a bucket and a sponge.
"Scrub all the toilets clean." She said. I started with my own, even though it was already pretty clean. I had a lady with me the whole time, to make sure I didn't fall asleep. I went through all the toilets, most girls were spotless, and most guys were disgusting. I hated this. "Why me?" I asked myself. A few hours later, I was done, and got to eat lunch. Then, straight after, I was forced to mop all the floors. After doing that, I was done for the day, and decided to take a little nap.
"CHILDREN! A MAN IS HERE TO SEE YOU!" Ms. Hater said. I was told I couldn't come out of my room unless someone was here to adopt, so I fixed my hair, and went downstairs. I looked at the ground the whole time, knowing I'm not going to get picked.
"Which one sir?" Ms. Hager asked him.
" you have a Emma Benson here?" A familiar voice asked.
"Uhh...are you sure? Cause we have plenty of other children that wo-"
"No ma'am." He said. "I just want Emma."
"Ugh fine." Ms. Hager said. I didn't look up yet, because I was nervous. I could tell who it was, and I was ecstatic to hear their voice.
"Emma come here now!" Ms. Hater said grabbing my arm and yanking it. I looked up and then I saw him. It was Logan. He was signing papers for adoption. I hadn't been more happy in my life to see a stranger, but it was kind of weird. Why did he adopt me? How did he know I was here? I had so many questions, and just want to ask them all at once. We made eye contact, and he grinned. Ms. Hager gave me my Maverick backpack, and all of the stuff in it, including the picture of my parents. Logan guides me out of the orphanage and into his car. I get in the backseat, not really wanting to have small talk. We go a few minutes in silence but of course, Logan breaks it.
"You could've sat in the front seat." He said smiling. I didn't respond. I was still in shock. A couple moments later, we were at his house. I knew where I was going, because I had been there before, so I took lead. The office desk gave Logan side eye, but then focused back on what they were doing. The whole walk back to his room was in awkward silence. I wanted to thank him, hug him even, but I can't. After what happened whilst I was young, I can't let anyone into my life. Not even Logan.
We enter his apartment and sit down on his couch. It didn't seem like anyone was there, other than a Evan, who's room door was closed. Kong waddles up to me and sits on my lap. I correct myself from earlier,- I can let dogs into my life, only dogs.- I smile to myself. I start stroking Kong's fur, as he sniffed my other arm.
"A-are you hungry?" Logan asks.
"Not really." I say.
" wanna see something cool?" He asks. I just shrug my shoulders. He swiftly gets up and grabs a gold necklace. He brings it further to me so I can examine it. It's a Maverick necklace. The diamonds sparkle in the sunlight, and the gold plating looked so beautiful.
"This is much did it cost?!" I ask
"Uh...about $20,000 dollars." He says. My jaw dropped. So this guy is a rich, YouTube celebrity, that has started a movement...of his bird...huh. I try to think positively, but knowing me, it all goes downhill. What if he hurts me? Is there anyway to run? He's probably going to bring me back to the orphanage. I'm just sitting there, staring at this necklace, when Logan puts it around my neck. Like it told you, I HATE people touching me. But, Logan touches me so lightly, and gentle. The pendant quickly puts pressure on my neck, causing me to adjust it.
"You like it?" He asks. I nod my head. He smiles and picks up Kong. He grabs his camera and goes over to a big pillar wrapped in rope. I decide to stay where I am, and watch from afar.
"AYYYO GOOD MORNING LOGANG, WHATS POPPIN." Logan yells into his camera. Popping? I haven't been out much, so I don't really know the "slang."
"Oh no no honey nooooo." Logan whines. "As always, we have to put Kong's eyedrops in. Lydia isn't here, so I have to do it myself."
He grabbed kong and forced the eyedrops into his little black eyes.
He continued talking about his day plans to the camera. I'm surprised he didn't try to put me in his "vlog." If he wanted to tell all of the Logang that he adopted a 15 year old girl, he would have already done it. He obviously wanted to keep it private. He turned off the camera and walked towards me.
"And that's basically what I do all day." He said sitting next to me
"Why do you's not like they cant hear you." I ask.
"Adds enthusiasm." He says. "People love it." I nod my head.
"I'll be right back." He said, getting up and walking to his room. A few moments later Evan walked into the living room. He stares at me in disbelief, clearly thinking I'm an intruder. I don't say anything, wanting to know how this plays out. He was too focused on his game yesterday, that he didn't see me.
"Logan?!" He yells. "Come here!!" Logan runs into the room with a confused look on his face. Evan looks at me, then back at Logan.
"Oh I totally forgot to tell you....I adopted her." Logan said casually.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Evan yells.
"You sound like Jeff." Logan scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Jeff?" I ask.
"Oh he's my manager. Which is coming to see you today." Logan said.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because he's the one that controls my whole career." He says. I take off the necklace, and hand it to Logan.
"Nice to meet you." Evan says. He holds out his hand, wanting to shake mine.
"You too." I say. A few seconds later, he puts his hand down.
"So...Emma. Wanna go shopping today?" Logan asks. As much as I hate shopping, I can't refuse.
"Sure. Whatever." I say.
"You don't have to have an attitude." Logan says.
"I can do whatever I want to." I argue.
"Listen, you're my daughter now, and I'm your dad, do you WILL listen to me." He commands.
"Just because you adopted me, doesn't mean I'm your daughter. And there's no way in hell I'm calling you dad, so don't even try." I say rolling my eyes.
"Language please." Logan says.
"Oh please, I bet you cuss all the time." I say.
"Do you want me to take you back to that orphanage?! I'm pretty sure none of us want that!" Logan yells. I sigh.
"You know, no one asked you to adopt me." I say. There's an awkward pause.
"My house isn't really big enough for all 3 of us but I can sleep on the couch until we move." Logan states.
"No it's fine. I'm used to not sleeping in beds. Oh and your couch is way comfier than anything I'd slept on in the orphanage anyways." I say.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yea." He nods his head and goes to the kitchen.
"Hey Logan...?" I ask softly.
"Yea?" He asked concerned.
"Can I...take a shower?" I ask.
"Oh yea sure...but do you" He asks nervously.
"No. I didn't really think about that." I say. I bet he thinks I'm disgusting. I haven't taken a real shower in so long, and I only got a few pairs of underwear every so often.
"Well, Lydia can take you to go buy some. I'll call her real quick." He says walking back into the living room. He dials her number and sits at his desk. He talks to her for a bit, then asks her to come over. I'm assuming she agreed, because Logan said,"Okay, cool. Cya in a bit."
"It's going to be a while until she gets here, so you can watch t.v if you want." He says and tosses me the remote. I don't really know how to work it, because I was never taught. We weren't allowed to watch T.V in the orphanage, so I don't know what to watch anyways.
Logan's POV-
I could tell she was struggling, so I decided to help her. I grab the remote and turn on Annie. Not the best Choice Logan....I flip trough the channels and see 13 Reasons Why. I haven't watched it, and since she's a teenager, I bet she will like it. I leave it there and she instantly seems intrigued. I walk  into the hallway and look at my to-do list. I scan the list all the way to the bottom:

-ᴀᴅᴏᴘᴛ ᴀ ᴋɪᴅ (ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ)
-ʙᴜʏ ɢʀᴏᴄᴇʀɪᴇs
-ᴄᴀʟʟ ʟʏᴅɪᴀ (ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ)
-ɢᴇᴛ ᴇᴍᴍᴀ ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴀᴘᴛᴏᴘ
I remember the two things on the list that aren't checked. I erase it, hoping that she didn't already see it.
"Hey Emma?" I say, getting her attention. She turns towards me, not really interested in what I have to say.
"I'm going to go get groceries." I say, grabbing the keys to the Yeti.
"k" she says, turning her focus back to the T.V.
I leave the apartment, and run into Lydia on the way out.
"You just left her there?!" She asks.
"Yea...why? She's a teenager, she'll be fine." I say walking past her.
"Logan remember last time you left her alone?!" I think back to when I saw her cutting herself. I almost start crying.
"Hurry and check on her. I need to go. Text me when you get up there." I say walking out. I hear her say okay as I walk to the parking garage.
Lydia's POV-
I walk up to his apartment room and open the door. I see Emma bawling crying on his couch, with her head tucked into her knees.

OMG GUYS! A Couple months ago, I ordered he Yeti Maverick backpack, and I just got it!!! I'm so happy!

A/N-OMG GUYS! A Couple months ago, I ordered he Yeti Maverick backpack, and I just got it!!! I'm so happy!

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