Chapter 48

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Emma's POV:

I grip onto the armrest as tight as I can. I feel dizzy. Like i'm about to pass out. Daniel notices and hands me some Benadryl.

"No thanks." I say and push it away.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because the last time I had those was when my dad was alive. He gave me those every night so I wouldn't sneak out and tell anyone. My mom overdosed on those too. I didn't know what that meant at six, but I eventually figured out." I explain.

"I'm so sor-"

"It's okay Dani. You didn't know." I smile, still gripping the armrest. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we finally took off and were in the air. I smile to myself and look out the window. When we got high enough in the air, you could actually see the Hollywood sign on Mount Lee. Only for a second though.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Daniel asks.

"Yeah." I smile.

-Time Skip-

It's only been an hour on this flight and I already have to pee. Seeing that the seat belt light is not on, I unbuckle mine and get up. Daniel gives me a questioning look.

"Bathroom." I say and he nods his head. On my way to the bathroom, people give me weird looks. Like, they'd seen me before.

"Mom, isn't that the girl that tried to save Logan Paul from the car crash?" A little girl whispers to a woman next to her.

"Honey, shhh." Her mom responds. I turn around and look at her.

"It's okay." I say then look at the child. "Logan matters very much to me. That's why I did it."

"So, you know Logan Paul?" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that." I smile. I turn back around and go into the bathroom. I sit down, do my business, and go back to my seat.

"What took you so long?" Daniel asks.

"Oh, I just ran into someone." I say.

-Time Skip-

"We are now landing in Vancouver Canada." The flight attendant announces. Daniel and I look at each other in shock and confusion.

"Did she just say Vancouver Canada?!" I question.

"I think so.." Daniel face palms.

-Time Skip-

When we land, Daniel calls his parents while I call Logan and the boys. Of course, they all laughed at me when I told them. I posted on my twitter:

Just went to the wrong Vancouver...Today is gonna be good. 👍🏻🤦🏼‍♀️

"So my parents said that they'd pay for my flight. But the next flight from this Vancouver to Vancouver, Washington isn't until tomorrow, so we have to book a hotel. We could go get some lunch if you'd like." Daniel suggests. I just nod my head and follow his lead.

He orders an uber to take us to the hotel we're staying at.

"I'm so sorry all this happened. I could've sworn I picked the right flight. No wonder it took three hours instead of two." Daniel apologizes.

"It's okay, I've always wanted to go to Canada anyways." I say. We finally arrive at the hotel, buy our room, put our stuff in the room, and go to lunch. We decide to go to Blue Water Cafe, since we both wanted seafood.

"Good evening! I'll be your waiter today. My name is Brandon, We'll start off with some drinks. What would you like?" A tall, blonde, waiter asks.

"Can I just get water?" I ask. The waiter nods his head and looks at Daniel.

"Yeah um, can I get a Coors Light?" Daniel asks casually. I look at him in confusion as he takes out his ID.

"Your drinks will be right out." He says and walks away.

"What the hell was that?" I ask

"The legal drinking age here is 18. I thought I'd take advantage." He smirks.

"You are evil." I chuckle. He just winks at me as the waiter approaches our table.

"Water for the lady and Coors Light for you sir." The waiter says and hands us our drinks. As he walks away, I stare at Daniel, waiting for him to drink his beer. I've tasted it before and it's disgusting. He slowly lifted to glass up to his lips and took a sip. His face was in complete disgust, but he tried to hide it. All I could do was laugh.

"So good." Daniel says sarcastically.

"I bet." I giggle. I start drinking my water through a straw then realize Daniel was staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You're just the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He says. I blush so much it was obvious to the table next to us.

"Thanks." Was all I could manage to get out. He softly snickers to himself and drinks more of his beer.

§§§(time skip)

"Thank you so much. That was amazing." I say after our meal.

"Anything for the queen." Daniel smiles. After talking for a bit, we decided to spend the rest of the day at our hotel.


Near 8:30 pm, we decided to go to sleep so we could wake up early for our flight.

Tomorrow is a big day.

Don't ruin it Emma

Word Count: 862

I FINALLY HAVE A PHONE! NO MORE WRITING ON A DUMB COMPUTER!!! 😀😀😁 I can use emojis again!!! Yaaaay! Anyway, I am so excited to be back into the habit of things. Oh, btw, I know some of these things aren't facts about Canada. Like, in Vancouver, the legal drinking age is actually 19, but I thought it'd make the story interesting. And, I know they would've needed their passports to get into Canada, but oh well. Let's forget passports exist plz and thank u. 😂😂

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