Chapter 51

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Daniels POV:

I messed up. I messed up bad. How could I just let Emma leave? I'm the worst boyfriend ever! I have to do something...

I get up from my bed and grab my suitcase. I walk downstairs and see Christian and some girl walk in.

"Who is that?" I question.

"Oh, no one. Let's go up to my room." He says to me, then to her.

As I reach for the door handle, my mom stops me.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asks in a stern voice.

"To find Emma. What you did was totally disrespectful and utterly rude. I still can't believe it. It shouldn't matter who her dad is. She's still family!" I yell.

"All my life, you were the perfect one. The normal one. The one I knew was going somewhere in life. I never would've thought you'd end up with somebody as putrid and disgusting as her!" She fires back.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY!" I scream, which causes my throat to hurt.

"I am your mother! I know what's best for you!" My mom thunders.

"Obviously you don't! Now, I'm going to find her and tell her that I won't ever leave her again and if you follow me, that will be it. I won't come back here for holidays. I'll never invite you to our concerts ever again. I'll cut all ties with you and dad. So just stay here. Bye mom." I say and leave.


I finally get to the airport and run in. I might be too late...I make it all the way to security check then get stopped.

"Sir, we need your ticket." A man says.

"No, I just need to tell someone something! Please, I'll come right out!" I say hurriedly.

"I'm sorry sir, but you need a ticket to get through." Just then, I see a glimpse of her sitting down, listening to music.

"No! Emma!" I yell, trying to get her attention. I try to break past the man's grip, but he's too strong.

"Please! Just let me in there! Just for a minute!" I plead.

"Sir, please stop or I'm going to have to call security to escort you out." The man says sternly.

"Come on! EMMA! Please, it'll be real quick!" I beg.

"No, you can't." The man says. I hear a flight attendant say something over the loud speaker. Emma stands up and gets in line to board.

"NO! PLEASE I NEED TO GET IN THERE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!" I yell. Another man walks up to me and says,

"Is your name Daniel by any chance?" The man says. His name tag says Chad.

"Yea, how'd you know?" I ask kinda weirded out.

"It doesn't matter. Just, go get Emma. Make things right." He smiles. I'm REALLY confused right now, but I feel this is my only chance to get Emma back. I look at him for reassurance. He smiles and nods his head. I run as fast as I can to her.

"EMMA!" I yell.

"Daniel...?" She says. We both smile and share a huge hug.

"I'm so sorry! I should've never left you. I'm awful. I'm the worst. I don't deserve you. I can't believe what I di-"

"Daniel." She cuts me off.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"It's okay. I understand." She smiles.

"What did I do to deserve you? You're perfect in every single way. And I'm...well, me." I chuckle nervously.

"Kade got me an extra ticket just in case you came." Emma smiles and hands me a ticket.

"Wait, Kade from team 10? What's he doing here?" I ask.

"That doesn't matter! Just hurry!" She says and pushes me towards the security check.


Emma's POV:

Daniel got to the gate just as the last person was boarding. I waited for him just Incase he didn't get here on time.

"Ready to go back home?" He asks.

"Yea." I say as we get into the jet bridge. "I can't wait to have some peace and quiet all by myself."

"You're not going home with me?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Well, maybe tomorrow, but tonight, I just want to be alone." I say.

"Oh, okay." He sighs.

"Is that okay?" I ask and step onto the airplane.

"Yea, I just was hoping to have some alone time with you. Before the other guys got home." He says as we find our seats and sit down. A few minutes later, they went through safety procedures and finally took off.


After our flight, Daniel and I got into his car. We barely talked the whole flight and drive home. When he pulled into my driveway, I said,

"Bye, love you." And went to kiss him. But he just looked straight forward and just let me kiss his cheek.

"Bye. You too." He said and drove off. What's his problem?

Shaking him out of my mind, I walk inside and run to my bed. I jump on it and lay there for a minute before I get a call from Logan.

E: Hey, what's up?

L: are you at the house?

E: yeah, why?

L: you weren't supposed to be back for three days

E: well, there was a mishap, but I'm fine now. But what does it matter?

L: Oh, it doesn't. I just don't want you by yourself.

E: dad, it's okay. I'm just staying here tonight, then going over to Dani's until you get home.

L: Oh, God.

E: What?

L: You're going to stay over there alone with him? He's going to try to have sex with you.

E: Dad! Oh my god, no! First of all, he's a gentleman. Secondly, I'm almost 16, I can handle myself.

L: You better. Anyways, I've got to go. Merry Christmas, by the way.

E: Wait, it's Christmas?

L: Yeah, did you forget or something?

E: Yes! I got caught up in everything, that I totally forgot! That's why Daniel was mad. I didn't celebrate Christmas with him...

L: Em?

E: Oh, yeah, uh-Bye! Love you!

L: love you too!

-End of Call-

I've got to get to Dani's house, now!

Word Count: 1026

HELLO! Wattpad was being weird a couple days ago and totally deleted chapter 50. Luckily, I got it back, but if it was blank for you, please go back and read it, or this chapter won't make any sense to you. And I just want to say thank you to everyone that has been commenting on my chapters! I love you guys so much! I'm going to start doing little Question Of The Day(QOTD) to start conversation in the comments. So:

Marvel or D.C?

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