Chapter 80

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Emma's POV:

We stop at a restaurant that is the only one that doesn't have an hour wait. I don't even bother reading the restaurants name, due to how hungry I am.

"Hello, welcome to Daniel, please follow me." A waiter says and picks up three menus. I blush for a second at the name, then get over it. You're going to have to move on sometime Emma. Just don't think about him.

"Here's your seat." The man says and hands us our menus.

"This place looks nice." Logan smiles.

"Yeah, the name kinda sucks though." I say smugly.

"Oh whatever. Just admit that you looooove Daniel." Noah coos and makes kissy noises.

"Ugh, stop it. There have been so many signs for me to see him. First, the picture on my phone. Then the theatre where they play Hamilton. Now, this restaurant name. What's next? Are the boys just going to randomly show up here for no reas-" Just as I say that, I see five familiar faces walk through the front door. My eyes widen then I put my head down.

"Oooooh you called it. Are you psychic or something?" Noah jokes.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Hide my menu. And if they ask, I didn't come because I'm hanging out with Liam. Yeah, that'll show him." I smirk and chuckle to myself.

"Wow. You're actually going to hide?" Logan asks.

"Uh....Yeah." I say and rush to the bathroom. I run towards the bathroom not paying attention to where I'm going. Suddenly, I bump into someone.

Daniels POV:

"Ugh dude I'm so hungry." Jack groans.

"Yeah, me too. Let's go eat." Corbyn agrees.

"Okay, where to?" Jonah asks.

"There are some restaurants near Broadway. We can go there and see what's good." I suggest. The four nod in agreement.


"Hey look. Isn't that the theatre that you and Emma were going to go to." Zach points out.

"Ugh, dude don't remind me." I sigh. Emma. That name has appeared a lot recently in my mind. We've lost so much time. I miss her. If I could wish for one thing right now, it would be to see her. And apologize for being such a dick.

"Hey look! That restaurants name is Daniel too!" Jonah laughs and points.

"Wanna go there?" Corbyn asks.

"Sure." Everyone agrees.

We walk in to see it's not as crowded as all the other restaurants. There are white table cloths on all of the tables, and very fancy chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings.

"This place is nice." Jack says.

"Follow me please." The waitress says and directs us towards a table. As we're walking, a girl comes running towards us. In shock, all of us stop walking. Suddenly, she just bumps into Zach.

"I-I-I'm so so sorry....Zach?!" When she looks up, all of us gasp.

"Emma? Why are you in New York?" Jonah asks.

"I-I could ask y-you guys the same ques-question." She stutters.

"Um, did you forget we are on tour?" Corbyn asks.

"Oh my god. Of course! I totally forgot. I wouldn't have come if I knew you guys were still on tour." She says to herself.

"Ow, my pride." Jack jokes.

"So, um...what have you been up to?" Zach asks.

"Nothing much...just...stuff." She mumbles.

"Cool." Jonah says.

"So, I should probably get back." She chuckles and point over to Logan and Noah, who quickly turn their heads away when we look at them.

"Yeah. It was nice seeing you again." I say. Everyone looks at me in shock, like I wasn't supposed to talk.

"T-thanks. You too. Say hi to Madison for me." She says and turns her head.

Emma's POV:

"W-Wait!" He says.


"Madison and I broke up.." Daniel informs.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say. That'll show him. He's going to think I don't look at his insta anymore. Oh, who am I trying to trick?!

"It's okay. It wasn't going anywhere, really." He says awkwardly.

"So, Uh, Bye!" I say and quickly walk back over to Logan.

"Way to play it cool." Logan laughs.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"I'm sure he's falling in love all over again. Oh wait, that's not him, it's you." Noah laughs.

"Enough, Okay? Let's just get through lunch. Is that so much to ask?" I ask. Both boys shake their heads and look down. "Okay good." I say confidently.


"Would you like the check?" The waiter asks Logan.

"Yes please." He responds.

"Thank god." I whisper under my breath. I've felt eyes on me this whole time. I'm turned the other way, so I can't see the boys, but I know they're looking at me.

"Chill out, okay? It's not like he wants to murder you." Noah comments.

"Okay, I know you're too young to comprehend the idea of relationships, so I'm not going to say anything." I say, trying to keep my composure.

"Here you are." The waiter says, handing Logan the check.

After we pay for our meal, we walk out of the restaurant, me relieved to be able to breathe again.

"Emma, wait!" I hear someone yell. I turn around only to see Daniel. "I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say anything. But I still have those tickets to Hamilton and I was wondering if you'd like to join us. The boys and I, I mean." She offers.


"Yeah, I know, it's sudden. Just....think about it?" He asks and holds out the ticket.

"I'll think about it." I sigh.

Word Count: 932

HEYYYYOOOO DUCKINGS!!! Sorry it took forever, I just had a huge writers block. It's weird, I seem to write best at night. Idk y tho. So, you know that guy I was telling you about a few chapters ago? The one that I liked but he had a gf? Well, they broke up and he asked me out!!! AHHHH! It's kind of weird tho cause I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be. Like, I've wanted this for a long time, and now that I got it, it's like, well now I can't just like anybody I see. But he's really nice and sweet. Anywho, you guys are so crazy, and all of you give so much support, so I'm going to make it 2 shout outs a chapter, and today's two are: kittykat3006 and -Aleenalscool- Thanks for being so nice!! Love you!!!

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