Chapter 5

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"Let's pick out a weapon for you," Toadette intoned. "Can't always rely on your magic."

"Don't some people just rely on their magic?" Daisy questioned.

"Yes, some people do. But with a power like yours, you need something as a backup," Toadette responded. "Let's see... How much LP do you have left?"

"LP? What's that?" Daisy asked.

"It's our form of money here," Toadette told her. "LP... Life points. You should've gotten some from the fight."

"I've got 89 LP." Daisy checked. "I got 100 dol... LP that time, right?"

"Correct! The harder the fight, the more life points you get!" Dixie chirped. "If you participate in a double fight, you can get more!"

"a... Double fight..?" Daisy asked.

"Mm-hmm! You can participate in a fight with someone if Chief Pauline approves," Dixie explains. "It's a lot harder, though! There's double the monsters and it's very difficult!"

"Wow! Do a lot of people do that?" Daisy said.

"Yeah, but some people are just better lone fighters. Back to the main issue, though. We gotta buy you a weapon!" Dixie directed. "89 LP.. Hmm. That's not a lot of money to work with.."

"How many life points do you need?" Daisy asked. "Surely it can't be that much, right?"

"Well, it depends," Toadette explained. "Basic daggers are fifty LP while basic swords, lances, and axes are a hundred and fifty. They try to keep it low for beginners like you, but the more useful weapons cost much more- like two thousand life points."

"Dang..." Daisy whistled.

"How much do you think Kaira's katanas were?" Dixie questioned.

"Uh, I dunno... Maybe three thousand in total?" Daisy guessed.

"Wrong. Twelve thousand each. But, once you're at Kaira's level and you've been fighting for years, you'll be making much more LP. Besides, she got hers specially made. How much did Kaira say she usually gets?" Dixie pondered.

"She said that her most recent fight was worth four thousand and five hundred," Toadette responded. "Let's try to hurry this up- we have to watch Kaira and Saiko."

"Right.. Alright Daisy, seems the only thing available to you right now is a dagger. But do you want to wait?" Dixie questioned. "Waiting could be dangerous considering that if you don't have any weapons for the next fight.."

"Yeah, I'll take just a simple dagger..." Daisy said. "Better to be safe than sorry."

"Good choice. Hey, she'll take a dagger!" Toadette told the worker. "Just the most basic one."

"Fifty LP. May I scan your wristband?" The worker asked. Daisy gave her wrist and the worker scanned. "39 life points left. Goodbye, have a good day."

"Yeah!" Daisy cheered, storing it in her bag. "Sweet. Let's go watch Kaira now!"


"Oh... I forgot to tell you. Maybe you shouldn't watch Kaira fight," Toadette warned. "They get pretty.. Dark. And gory."

"It's okay. I can handle it," Daisy told them. "It's really crowded here today!"

"Yeah, a lot of people come to see them battle," Dixie chirped. "Such a shame. Honestly, I wish Pauline would approve their double battle again."

"Wait, Pauline-"

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The double fight- Kaira Reiko- Bloody Murder and Saiko Paath- Insanity Incarnate! Bloody Hell strikes again!"

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