Chapter 40

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Two days later, Daisy was scared to see the outcome of what was going to happen. Toadette was already at Daisy's door, knocking impatiently. They'd already tried this for the past two days, but Kaira had been knocked out and Saiko had warded them out, annoyed.

"Are you ready?" Toadette snapped. "Let's go."

"Toadette, I really don't know about this-" Dixie pleaded. "I-"

"Dixie," Toadette breathed. "I have to do this. Please understand."

"I... fine."

Toadette knocked sharply on Kaira's and Saiko's door.

"Go away, Toadette!" Saiko's voice rang from inside. "Kaira and Saiko have nothing to say to you! Accept Kaira for who she is!"

"We're not leaving!" Toadette retaliated. "Toad deserves justice!"

"Saiko doesn't have to say anything to you! Go away, you meanies!" Saiko cried. "Go away, you bullies!"

"Saiko," Daisy heard Kai-er, Satsuki's voice inside. "Let them in."

"But we shouldn't have to-"

"I will handle it."

The door opened, revealing the annoyed bluenette and a somber looking red head.


"I know... you're mad at me. And you have every right to be," Satsuki Kaira started. "I killed him. I did. At the time being I didn't know... and he was in my way, so I did it. But you have to understand that I can't control what I do when i have those phases... Bloodlust takes over-"

"Your excuses mean nothing..." Toadette looked away. "He was my brother. You killed him because you couldn't control yourself. Kaira- he deserves justice for his death."

Oh god. Things are not going to end well here.

"I understand..."

"No! Why do you understand? You're not allowed to understand! There's no way you can!" Toadette screamed suddenly. "He died! You fucking killed him! You're a psychopath! You deserve to die, too! You deserve to feel the pain he felt, the same pain he had that he didn't deserve! He was innocent!"

"Hey, Toadette," Daisy stepped in. "I-"

"Shut up, Daisy!" Toadette shouted. "You'd feel the same way if Luigi was killed by her!"

Daisy was worried for how Kaira was going to lash out at Toadette. Kaira was always known for a nasty temper, and now that she knew she was Satsuki as well, that also didn't equal good news. She hated to say it, but Kaira overpowered Toadette by a lot. If Kaira were to go angry, Toadette would be...

But instead, Daisy watched as the red head looked down at the ground, her eyes closing.

But instead, Daisy watched as the red head looked down at the ground, her eyes closing

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"I'm sorry..." Satsuki Kaira whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry doesn't change anything," Toadette said. "That's just a word. A word for my brothers death. Doesn't seem like a fair trade off, does it?"

Kaira, Satsuki... Daisy didn't know what to call her anymore. Who was she supposed to refer to her as?

Kaira unsheathed her katana, handing it to Toadette. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply.

"Do it if you must. Avenge your brother's death. After all, I'm Satsuki, and he deserves justice. I've killed all of those people."

"Satsuki, no! This isn't fair, you can't control it!" Saiko protested. "Satsuki isn't something Kaira can control! If Toadette tries to hurt Satsuki, there'll be-"

"Hush, Saiko," Kaira breathed. "It's what I deserve."

Toadette looked at the katana.

Anger. Rage. Confusion. Betrayal.

Those were all the emotions that ran through Toadette's head.

She wouldn't do it, would she?

She's Kaira's friend. She wouldn't.

Well, that's what Daisy thought.

Daisy watched in horror as Toadette raised the blade.

Hey everyone. This is a very short update, I apologize. More fun stuff awaiting.

Definitely people are not going to die. Ever. Finally got to 40 chapters, woot woot!

Question of the chapter: do you guys want me to refer to Kaira as Satsuki from now on or as Kaira?

Thanks for reading!

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