Chapter 8

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"Honestly, I mean how did you think I was serious-"

In a flash, Kaira had Pauline pinned against the wall. Pauline smirked slightly.

"If you're about to kill me, I dare you," Pauline challenged. "Then you really will be separated from her."

Kaira growled slightly.

"Oh come on, Kaira! Why don't you live up to your name? Your true name!" Pauline sighed. "Up to you, I suppose.."

"Let. Me. See. Saiko," Kaira's teeth were grit. "I'll do anything. Just.. Please.."

"Hmm... How about... No. The last time I allowed that.. No."

"Things will be different. I won't do it again," Kaira protested. She was desperate. "Please, Pauline! ...I'm begging you."

"Never thought I'd see the day Kaira begged," Pauline mused. "My answer still stays the same."

"...I hate you," Kaira snapped. She pulled a dagger from her jacket. "Die!"

"...oh dear," Pauline sighed as Kaira raised the dagger. "I guess I'll have to do a little bit, won't i?"

Kaira was surprised as Pauline blocked the blow with a sword of her own.


"Heheh... You didn't think I'd be able to fight, did you?" Pauline leered. "You want to know what happens to people who betray me, do you!?"


"...I haven't seen Kaira in forever," Toadette commented. "Okay, maybe it was like two hours, but..."

"Hmm... I don't know," Dixie thought about it. "I haven't seen her since Daisy's fight."

"Eh, I'm sure she's fine."


"Rosalina, congratulations on winning your fight!" Daisy smiled at Rosalina from her bed.

"Thank you.... It was really nothing..." Rosalina mumbled. "...I figured you'd be watching... So I tried... To make it less gory..."

"Oh... Well, thank you," Daisy smiled. "I appreciate it."


It was silent for a bit.

"Er, Rosalina? How long have you been here?" Daisy questioned.

"....a couple of months..." Rosalina responded. "At least, I think..."

"Wow... Well, I've got another question."

"Dont you... Always have questions...?" Rosalina murmured. Daisy ignored the insult.

"How does earning money from the fights work?" Daisy asked. "Like... How does it work? I know Kaira makes a ridiculous amount of money, but.."

"...I made 1200 LP in my last... Fight..." Rosalina explained. "It goes up each time you fight... But not by much... Kaira gets paid so... Much because... She's part of... Bloody Hell.."

"Oh... So making 100 LP was pretty good?"


Daisy checked her account. 200 LP.

"Alright, sweet. It's going to be really hard to get money-er-LP now," Daisy frowned. "That's kind of depressing."

"Don't worry..." Rosalina reassured. "Once... You make your way up.... You'll be alright..."

"I hope so..."


"Why won't anybody play with me?" The girl with light blue hair asked. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you, Saiko," A girl with ginger told her. "So quit worrying."

"...but they all think Saiko is weird. And if they don't think Saiko's weird, they're scared," Saiko wailed. "Why can Saiko never fit in?"

The girl, Mona, tried to calm Saiko down.

"Saiko, it's okay. You wanna know something? Soon enough, you and Kaira are going to get to see each other again!"

"K-Kaira?" Saiko whispered. "You're right! You're right, you're right, you're right! I'm so excited! I can't wait!"

The two girls were interrupted as the warden stepped into the cell.

"Mona, if you'll excuse us," The warden of the section, Wendy Koopa purred. "I need to talk to Saiko about something."

"Oh, uh... Sure..." Mona cast a worried glance toward Saiko, but left the room. Before leaving, she mouthed a good luck to Saiko.

"Saiko Paath..." Wendy leered. "Your friend got in a lot of trouble today."

"Friend?" Saiko tilted her head. "Oh, which one? Mona, Dixie, Boo, Toadette.."

"No. Kaira," Wendy said. "Wanna guess what she did?"

"Hmm... Did she slaughter everyone again?" Saiko asked innocently. "Did she kill someone again? That sounds like a lot of fun! Why didn't she invite me?"

"No," Wendy sneered at Saiko's guesses. "Although that does sound very plausible. She attacked the head warden."

"Wait... Pauline?" Saiko's smile faded slightly.

"Yup. Your friend decided to attack Pauline. Birdo, and I had to wrestle Kaira off of her," Wendy frowned. "We had to sedate her."

"Wow, Kaira is so strong!" Saiko cheered. "Go Kaira! Go Kaira! Go-"

"That's not a good thing," Wendy told her. "As Kaira's punishment for attacking the warden... Well..."

"Well what?" Saiko questioned. "No killing for a month? There's not much she can do, she already separated us."

"...we'll see about that."

This chapter is a little bit shorter than normal- sorry!

What do you guys think Kaira's punishment is?

Thanks for reading!

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