A dejected Lavinia was sitting down in the cafeteria, eating the bare minimum food provided to her. Her first fight would be tomorrow, and she couldn't wait to get into the arena.
"...so you lost to her," A tired Akane sat next to the girl. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"
"Shut up. No need for you to rub it in," Lavinia growled. "I could've beaten her. I know it. She wasn't that strong."
"Riiiight. Look, you better learn to accept your limits, or else you're not going to last long in here."
"Shut up. I'm fine. There's no reason for me to worry. I can take whatever this prison tries to throw at me."
"Oh? Can you handle Kaira, who've you lost to, Saiko, Toadette, Dixie? I don't think so. I'm not trying to rub it into your face or anything. It's just fact that you'll die if you try again."
"No, I won't. I'm strong."
"You lost."
"Shut up."
"I'm just pointing out facts," Akane told her. "If you want to get out alive... it'd be wise of you to listen. Arrogance isn't going to get you anywhere. Actually... arrogance will get you somewhere."
"And where is that?"
"..." Lavinia looked at the girl. "...heh. Good to know."
"Oh. So you do like blunt," Akane observed. "Good to know."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
"You know, you don't want to be alone in this place. Being alone is death," Akane told her. "I can help you, because I like you. Sound good?"
Lavinia normally liked to work alone, but she had to admit that she was outmatched. If everyone came after her, at least there would be someone on her side.
She hoped.
"Yeah," Lavinia nodded. "Works for me."
Akane smiled.
"Good to know."
"Kaira! Check this out!" Saiko held up a picture, making Kaira wince. "How long ago was this!"
"Way too long ago," Kaira looked at the photo. "Geez, we were so young..."
"Ahah! Kaira looks as happy as ever," Saiko remarked, to the photo where she was frowning. "Although, that wasn't very uncommon. Kaira was a mean child!"
"Hey," Kaira frowned. "Still am."
"Hehe! Of course, Saiko forgot for a moment, since Kaira's never mean to Saiko," Saiko chirped. "Hehe!"
"Well, yeah. You're not wrong. If I was mean to you, I'd beat myself every day. I'm not mean to you, am I?"
"No! No, Kaira's never mean to Saiko! Promise!"
"You sure?" Kaira asked.
"Well, good. That's reassuring to hear," Kaira nodded. "Sometimes... things just don't go as planned."
"Yeah, that's true," Saiko agreed. "But Saiko could never be mad at Kaira. Never."
"I'm going to hold you to that, Saiko," Kaira told her, jokingly. Saiko just stared at her.
"Saiko couldn't be mad at Kaira. Ever. Saiko would never-"
"I was just joking..."
"Oh," Saiko started laughing. "Ahaha! Saiko's not used to Kaira joking..."
"Yeah, neither am I."
"Check this out!" Ryan muttered to himself, his arm fully regenerated. "This is fucking great. Now I can take Kaira out for real for getting rid of my arm. What a fucking bitch..."
"Yeah, you're welcome," Angel shook her head. "Don't even bother thanking me."
"...thanks," Ryan said quietly. "I just got a bit carried away."
"Y'know, I understand," Angel replied. "Don't sweat it. If someone took my arm, I'd give my all to kill them too."
"Yeah. I get that... Angel, what else does your power do? Does it do anything beneficial to you?"
"Well... I can heal myself," Angel shrugged. "I can regenerate my limbs and stuff. It's much easier for me than other people, but it's still physically exhausting."
"Oh... damn. That's pretty good," Ryan told her. "Wish my power was like that... well. Not really. I'm fine with being a fucking beast and scaring the shit out of everyone."
"I thought you turned into a wolf."
"Same thing," Ryan dismissed. "Same thing."
"Uh... not really."
"Sure they are. Listen, thanks for healin' me up. See ya around- bye."
Lavinia was in the training hall, ferociously breaking the training bots. The holograms disappeared after each blow.
"Ah, so you know how to fight after all," A blonde girl with messy bangs and purple eyes approached her. "Kinda figured that after you got beaten you'd be useless, but I guess not!"
"What do you want?" Lavinia grumbled.
"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm not here to taunt you! I'm just here to invite you to my party, hehe."
"Your... what?"
"The party! We're celebrating 'cuz Satsuki only killed five people during her last rampage," The girl explained, blowing a bubble in her gum. "Wanna come?"
"Wait a minute. Who's Satsuki?"
"Ohh, right newbie," The girl nodded. "She's the rampaging murderer that goes around every once in awhile. Fun, right?"
"Oh. Great... I don't think I'll be there, but thanks. What's your name, by the way?"
"Bella. But you can call me Bunny."
Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoyed this (new) chapter. I wanted to shine a spotlight on Lavinia, so expect more chapters like this.
Also, this is a OC from Instability 😏 so congrats.... this is my unofficial way of saying you made it in XD
Thanks for reading!

Insanity (Mario)
FanfikceDaisy Sarasa was born with a unusual birthmark on her shoulder- a flower. When it is discovered she has it, she's immediately thrown into a high class prison that contain other people just like her. Between trying to survive the constant arena fight...