Chapter 21

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Daisy, come on, we have to go!

We have to go, come on, there's no time to waste!"

"Peach, I can't. I'm so... Tired."

"Daisy, please! Come on-"

"You can go without me.."

"Oh my goodness! No! Daisy, stay with me! Daisy? Daisy!!!!"

Daisy relived the moment in amusement. They'd been playing with dolls, pretending that Daisy was dying.

Death was too easy now.

It was the easy way out- and if Daisy was being honest, she didn' mind it. But she'd met so many people and she was actually pretty happy at the prison. She had Rosalina, and now Luigi. Toadette and Dixie were her friends- even the two most feared people were her friends.

Why am I friends with them? Daisy thought. Why don't they hate me? What's.. What's so special about me?


A little bit later, Daisy walked to Luigi's cell. She knocked and then walked in.

"Hey, Luigi!" Daisy greeted. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing.."

Luigi was still thinking about how Daisy probably hadn't watched his fight, even though she said he had. What reason did she have to lie? Pity? Because they were friends? He'd rather know than have her lie. Daisy wasn't the type of person to lie, anyway. Prison changes people...

Well, unless she wasn't lying. There was a possibility she was watching his fight. But... Kaira was her friend. And if she was threatening someone, Daisy would definitely be watching.

"Daisy, did you watch my fight?" Luigi questioned suddenly. She looked at him weirdly.

"Of course I did," Daisy responded. "You were pretty good out there."

Oh, Luigi thought. So she's probably not lying. Well, I mean, she could just be faking it... No. I need to trust her. She's my friend.

"Er... Are you alright?" Daisy asked nervously.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Luigi responded. I have to trust her, or else I'm a terrible friend.

"Well, good!" Daisy sighed in relief. "You know, I-"

"This is a code red! Everyone return to your cells, NOW!" Pauline's voice thundered over the intercom.

"What's a code red...?" Luigi wondered.

"I don't know... Something bad. Let's go find out," Daisy grabbed his wrist, but he shook her off.

"Are you crazy? Didn't you hear her!? We should be returning to our cells," Luigi protested. "Otherwise, we'll..."

"This could be important, though!" Daisy argued. "We could find a Grand Star!"

"A what now?"

"Never mind! Are you coming with me, or not?" She stared at him.

"...I'll come with you," Luigi relented. "But I expect a explanation..."

The two rushed down the hall. Most people were rushing to their cells, so they were struggling to push against the crowd.

"Prisoners, hurry up!" Pauline's sharp voice resounded over the loudspeaker. "Unless you want to be a chopped piece of meat, I expect that you move!"

"Daisy, I really don't think-"


"What are you two doing?" Dixie shrieked as she ran into them.


"You two should be in a cell!" Toadette reprimanded. She quickly pulled them both into Saik cell, ignoring their protests. Dixie followed and locked the door.

"Toadette!" Daisy sighed. "We were going to go figure out what was happening, to see if we could find a Grand Star."

"Well, that will have to wait," Toadette told her. "You're welcome, by the way. I saved your life."

"How did you save our lives?" Luigi asked.

"Satsuki," Dixie answered. "She's on a rampage again. Destroyed a fourth of the A Ward, killing many people. Probably would have no problem killing you guys."

"Oh..." Daisy looked away. "Well, thank you."

"Thanks?" Luigi was very confused. "Uh, where are Kaira and Saiko? Isn't their cell?"

"I don't know where they are," Toadette answered. "Probably fighting off Satsuki, I don't know."

"Oh dear..." Daisy sighed. "I hope they're alright."

"They'll be fine," Dixie said. "They're Kaira and Saiko. They've got it."

"Um... Can I have an explanation?" Luigi questioned.

"Oh, yeah," Dixie laughed. "I forgot you were a newbie!"

"Please don't call me that," Luigi requested. The tips of Dixie's hair turned red for a brief second before turning blonde again.

"Right, right, sorry. Basically, Satsuki has been along for awhile. Ever since I've been here. She always has these rampages pretty often. For some time, she hadn't had one. It was like a grace period, but she's back. And she's definitely not holding back," Dixie explained. " we're all screwed."

"Why doesn't the prison stop them?" Daisy questioned, in place of Luigi.

"Because they don't mind extra bloodshed," Toadette shrugged. "They probably enjoy it."

"Right, exactly. And it's not as if they care about the innocent humans in the crowd of the arena, anyway," Dixie giggled. "Besides, they don't have powers and they're rude enough to be watching us all suffer, so maybe they deserve to die!"

Hey everyone, hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Please put questions down for the Q and A, you can submit as many as you want. I want to be able to clear up any confusion that I can.

So, here's the question(s) of the chapter:

Who's Satsuki? (What's her role)

What are Kaira and Saiko doing?

Are the OC's dead? (Just kidding, I wouldn't kill them.)

Thanks for reading!

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