Christmas Special

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(disclaimer: this has nothing to do with the plot in any way, shape, or form. Also, I realize it's not Christmas anymore, I didn't finish this in time XD)

(This also takes place before Daisy comes.)

"Kaira! Kaira! KairaKairaKaira! Waaaaaaake up!" A excited Saiko began jumping on Kaira's bed. "Kaira!!"

Kaira groaned, pretending to be asleep still, but it was pointless as Saiko continued to jump.

"Come on, Kaira!" Saiko whined. "It's Christmas! We gotta go get the presents and the food! Please?"

Sulkily, Kaira opened her eyes.

"Can't it wait five minutes?" Kaira growled, not phasing Saiko at all.

"Nope! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

With a big sigh, Kaira finally got out of bed. She raised her brow.


"No! Hurry up and get dressed! We have to go and get presents!"

"But... Saiko..." Kaira sighed. "...can't it wait..?"

"No! No! We have to go now!" Saiko pouted. "Or else people will steal our presents! You know we're the only ones who get good presents!"


The two got dressed and Saiko dragged Kaira quickly to the cafeteria.

There was a giant christmas tree, with many presents underneath. However, no one else was up.

"Uh... Where is everyone?" Kaira tilted her head in confusion. "Saiko... What time is it?"

"Heheh..." Saiko smiled mischievously, her guilt showing. "5 in the morning?"

"Saiko!" Kaira scowled, but couldn't frown for long after seeing Saiko's smile slip off her face.

"Sorry... Saiko was just so excited..." Saiko looked away. "Kaira can go back to bed.."

"No.. It's okay," Kaira sighed. "I get it. After all, you and I never got a childhood, might as well enjoy it now, right?"

The smile appeared on Saiko's face again.


Saiko slipped under the tree, searching for their presents. It wasn't hard to find, it was the biggest boxes. She came out quickly, holding a blue winter wrapped package, and a dark red with white snowflakes package.

"Here, here, Kaira!" Saiko handed her the dark red one. Kaira examined it, before opening it carefully.

She made sure not to rip any of the wrapping paper, opening it slowly so it was still intact. Saiko, on the other hand, tore through the paper easily and excitedly.

"Oh... My gosh! Oh my gosh!" Saiko cheered as she looked at her present. It was simple- merely blue pajama pants with white snowflakes on them. Yet, Saiko loved it. She held them up, and a lot of candy fell out. "Yes!" She continued to open, finding a blue gun.

"Oh, Saiko..." Kaira sighed as she finally opened her present. She smirked. "Oh, perfect."

Kaira held up a long, sharp, knife. It was simple, but it was beautiful to her. Another to add to the collection. As she looked through the tissue paper, she saw two katanas with gold and ruby on them.

"They know me well enough."

As she admired the weapons, she realized there was a button on the side. As she pressed it, she stared in awe as they easily transformed into a spear. How, she had no idea, but it seemed weapon enhancement had been made at the lab... Finally.

And it seemed she was one of the few who received one.

"Do you like your presents?" Saiko asked, munching on the candy.

"Yeah, how about you?"

"They're great!" Saiko cheered. "Oh, you have to open Saiko's present."

Saiko handed Kaira a present, while Kaira frowned.

"Saiko, I left yours at the room."

"No worries! Saiko'll just open it back there!"

"If you say so."

Kaira opened the present, staring in shock.


Inside was a black jacket, and although it appeared to be nothing special, she realized it had knife slots on the insides. It was perfect.

"Thank you so much," Kaira nodded. "This is... It's perfect."

"I knew you'd like it!" Saiko jumped up. "Yes!"

"Let's grab Toadette's and Dixie's, as well," Kaira said. "So that their presents aren't stolen."


And as Kaira and Saiko carried the presents back to the room, Kaira couldn't help but smile.

This was a wonderful Christmas.

Late christmas update, haha. Sorry if it seemed rushed, because.. Well, it was XD I know it's not Christmas, but as soon as I woke up I started working on this.


Merry belated Christmas?

Thanks for reading!

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