Chapter 22

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"There's what now!?" Daisy screeched. "I...innocent... Humans? Watching us fight!?"

"Way to go, Dixie," Toadette said sarcastically. "Now she's going to flip."

"Why would you keep that from us!" Luigi defended Daisy. "Humans that don't know the truth about us... Are watching us?"

"Yeah!" Dixie responded. "...of course, they don't really know the truth about us. They think it's all fake, that no ones actually in trouble. They think it's all some facade, some show. Haven't you ever wondered about how this place has enough money to fund us?"

"Wait.. Us... The humans... They see us?" Daisy questioned. "And... Why don't they know!? Why don't they save us? What people have these kind of powers, anyway! Shouldn't they know it's not fake!?"

"Humans see what they want to see," Toadette shrugged. "To them, we're fake. We're just actors and actresses. Even if they did know, they'd probably think that prisoners deserve to be forced into this hell."

"...that's sick," Daisy spat. "We need to stop this."

"We've tried," Dixie replied. "I've shouted it to the audience before. Why do you think there are two sides of the arena? One side is for the innocents, the other is for us. When I told the audience, they... They laughed! They thought it was just part of the show."

"They won't believe anything we tell them," Toadette added. "We're just performers."

" could you keep this from us!?" Daisy shouted. "This is so crucial, I could've been out of here, and-"

"Oh?" Toadette raised her brow. "I thought you were happy here. We've all accepted it. It's better here than there, anyway."

"How is it better here than there?" Luigi shook his head. "I was torn from my family-"

"Your screwed up family, if I may add," Dixie told him. "After all-"

"Shut up!" Luigi screamed. "I know! But-"

"Attention everyone, the code red is over," Pauline's voice echoed through the intercom. "However, if you're in the A Ward, do not leave your cell. Everyone else, you're free to leave."

Everyone huffed and glared at each other. Daisy and Luigi stared down Toadette and Dixie, and Daisy realized how messed up this place truly was.

"...what do they call us?" Daisy questioned fiercely. "Us, who are trapped here?"

"...Lumas," Dixie replied tensely, her body flickering between monkey and girl. "We're Lumas. All trapped here."

"Lumas," Daisy sneered. "That sounds too nice."

"I didn't pick it," Toadette's teeth gritted. "It's not like it was my decision."

Daisy was about to reply with a snarky remark when the door flung open. It was a very worn out Saiko carrying a unconscious and bloodied Kaira.

"What... What are you guys doing in Saiko and Kaira's room?" Saiko questioned tiredly. Daisy and Luigi just stared at them, who were covered in blood.

"The code red," Dixie replied. "We pulled them in here, your room was closest."

"Oh," Saiko nodded. "Could you guys get out of the way? Saiko's going to put Kaira down."

Everyone moved as Saiko set Kaira down on her bed. Saiko fell tiredly down onto it after she had.

"...that's how bad Satsuki is?" Luigi was in shock. "That.. That those two have problems?"

"Yeah," Toadette's fists clenched. "None of us know who this girl is, either. If we had, she'd probably be dead a long time ago."

Daisy and Luigi were stunned into silence.

"...Saiko," Dixie turned her attention to the bluenette. "She was really that bad today?"

"Mm-hmm," Saiko responded tiredly. "Saiko... Saiko's going to go sleep.."

"Alright. We'll leave. Goodnight, Saiko."

The four left, parting ways in silence. Toadette and Dixie headed to their room while Daisy and Luigi went to Daisy's room.

When they entered, they found Rosalina holding a trembling Aquelia and Akane sitting on Daisy's bed.

"Oh... You guys are back.." Rosalina looked at Daisy.

"We can leave," Daisy offered, but Rosalina shook her head.


"Um... R-Rosalina-san... Who are these people..?" Aquelia questioned, her pearl anklet clinking every time she moved.

"Yeah, do I need to kill someone?" Akane eyed Luigi.

"No... She's my inmate..." Rosalina explained. "Her name is Daisy... You already knew that though, Akane... And he is Luigi."

"O-oh," Aquelia said. "N-nice to meet you!"

"Likewise," Akane bit her lip. "Uh... Should I leave?"

"No, you guys are fine," Daisy told them. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay," Akane nodded. "Where were you guys during the code red if you weren't here?"

"With Toadette and Dixie," Luigi responded. He tried not to cringe when he said their names.

"Well, w-why aren't they with you now?" Aquelia asked.

"They went back to their cell."  Daisy replied.


Daisy wanted to discuss with Rosalina, and be angry with how the woman hadn't told her anything, but she wouldn't do that when visitors were over.

That would just have to wait.

Typed this whole chapter in thirty eight minutes. Productivity, let's go.

Question of the chapter:

What kind of power do you think Satsuki has?

Thanks for reading!

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