Chapter 43

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"What do you want to know...?" Rosalina asked cautiously.

"Everything. How this place was formed. Why Kaira was sent here. Why Mario created this place. Why you seem to be tied to everything," Daisy emphasized. "Why is that?"

"Daisy... I really don't think..."

"No. I think I've been here long enough to know. I'm not just a child," Daisy huffed. "I'm almost an adult. I've only got around, what, eight months? Eight months until I'm considered an adult. I'm old enough to know. I'm not useless around here, either. If I'm ever to truly forgive you, I'll give you a deal. I'll forgive you... if you tell me what's going on."

"...are you sure you... want to know..?" Rosalina looked away. "There's a reason why... they all..."

"They all what?"

"They all hate me..." Rosalina muttered. "None of them... like me... and for good reason..."

"Rosalina, I won't hate you. No matter what you say," Daisy promised. "No matter how bad it is."

"That's what they all say..." Rosalina smiled sadly. "No matter what.."


"No... I should tell you... I trust you, after all..." Rosalina looked up at Daisy with her calm, wide, blue eyes. They held so much wisdom, hostility, but also.. fear.

"I trust you

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"I trust you..."


"Ugh, don't tell me you're getting annoyed again," Akane huffed. "All i did was-"

"Seek out my attention when I really don't want it?" Ryan growled. "I was perfectly fine on my own, by the way."

"I did no such thing. You provoked me. Coming up to me and sitting down, and then trying to say hello? I'm not in the wrong here. You are, as usual."

"I was trying to be friendly," Ryan yelled. "I'm normally not, and I wasn't planning on continuing the conversation any further. I was just trying to be... what's the word... polite."

He spit it out as if the word was sour. For all Akane knew, it might as well have been.

"Yeah, well, I hate you and you hate me, so we don't need to bother with politeness," Akane roller her eyes. "Got it? I don't need to associate with you."

"I don't want to be around such a hothead anyway," Ryan spit, despite being quite the hotheaded himself. "It's-"

"Just stop talking," Akane huffed. "You're making things worse for yourself. Just let me go in peace now, okay? Don't bother me anymore. I appreciate the effort, but it's unneeded and unwanted."

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual."



The red head turned around, knowing that the voice belonged to the one and only Saiko.


"Saiko wants to play! Come on, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up-"

"Not right now, Saiko," Kaira interrupted. "We have a new initiate, remember? I have to go welcome them..."

"By welcome, Kaira means scare them, right?" Saiko grinned. "Can Saiko join? Please please, pretty pleaseeeeeeee!"

Kaira sighed in annoyance at her partners excitement.

"Saiko, from what I've been told, they're rather intimidating themselves. It's going to take a lot to scare them and you and I have separate jobs we need to do. I need to go escort them to their cell."

"Fine, fine," Saiko huffed. "That's sad, though. Saiko will be all alone. What is Saiko going to do without Kaira?"

"...we can play when I come back," Kaira sighed. "Sound good?"

"Yes! Yes yes yes! Hurry and come back!"

"I have to leave first, in order for that to-"

"Well then go! Kaira-"

Saiko didn't realize it, but Kaira had twisted Saiko's thoughts into wanting Kaira to stay into wanting her to leave.

"Alright. I'll be back soon."

"Okay, hurry back!"

Kaira left the cell swiftly, heading towards Pauline's office.

"Oh, Kaira, you're here," Pauline smirked. "Take care of this one, would you?"

It was a female with purple hair tied into a ponytail. Her indigo eyes were staring straight at Kaira. Despite the girl being cuffed as well as Kaira being fully equipped, she showed no fear. The girl looked.. bored.

"May I present Lavinia Okada," Pauline scowled mockingly

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"May I present Lavinia Okada," Pauline scowled mockingly. "You know what to do."

Kaira stared at the girl, memories flooding back, but the girl interrupted Kaira from becoming completely distracted.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" The girl sneered. "Oh no, I'm terrified!"

"...follow me," Kaira frowned. "Hurry up."

"I'll walk at my own pace, thank you very much-"

Kaira grabbed Lavinia by her shirt, annoyed by the confident girl.

"You'll do as I say, or else you die," Kaira threatened.

"I don't fear death."

Kaira knew Lavinia wasn't lying, but Kaira didn't fear dying either. She welcomed it- after all, it was what she deserved.

"You'll learn to soon."

The girls glared at each other, and both of them knew it was only going to be a matter of time until one of them ended up dead by their hands.


"You want the truth..." Rosalina took a deep breath. "Let us begin..."

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. By the way, do the gifs and photos even help? A lot of you have mentioned it's a lot like a anime and I wish I knew how to animate to make it one, so that's the best I can do. Do you guys want me to continue with those?

I tried to upload this chapter like a million times and it didn't work, so I apologize. I finished it like six hours ago...

Thanks for reading!

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