Chapter 23

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The second everyone left and it was just Daisy and Rosalina, Daisy let all of our emotions out.

"There is... Innocent human beings in the crowd," Daisy chose her words carefully. "How come you didn't tell me?"

"...its... A sensitive topic," Rosalina looked away. "...I don't want to talk about it."

"No, tell me," Daisy shook her head. "I deserve to know, don't you think? After being lied to, I think I deserve to know."

"It's... More complicated than you would think.." Rosalina responded. "I already told you... I don't want to talk about it.."

"Rosalina, I won't tell a soul. I deserve to know, though."

"Why do you deserve to know...?" Rosalina shook her head. "What makes you so different..?"

"Nothing," Daisy defended. "I'm really not that different. But I just want to know the full truth about this place. I know there's people watching us in the audience now. What else? Tell me."

"...I'll tell you one thing," Rosalina sighed. "...but...That's it."

"Okay," Daisy wasn't satisfied, but she knew that's all she would get out of Rosalina.

"...This prison is called... The Comet Observatory."


"Wakey wakey, lemon shakey, wakey up right now..." Saiko whispered softly. The two were still bloodied from the two days prior and Kaira was still sleeping. It had taken a major toll on them.

"Hey, Saiko," Toadette and Dixie entered the room quietly. "How are you two doing?"

"Great," Saiko smiled. "Well, ish... Kaira is still out cold."

"Tch... For Satsuki to be able to take on both of you..." Toadette's fists clenched. "We should kill her."

"I know you hate Satsuki for personal reasons," Dixie coaxed. "But we can't let emotions cloud our judgement. We have to find a way to do that carefully. There's no way we'd be able to if Kaira and Saiko weren't able to."

"I suppose that's true," Toadette sighed. "And we no longer have the newbies on our side, either."

"Hm?" Saiko tilted her head.

"Dixie told them about the whole human spiel," Toadette explained. "They both flipped."

"Wow... You think they'll avoid us forever?" Saiko asked curiously.

"I don't know," Dixie responded. "I don't know."

"...could you guys keep it down..?" Kaira mumbled as her eyes fluttered open. "I've... Got a pounding headache."

"Phew!" Saiko breathed in relief. "Saiko's glad you're awake! It's been two days since the attack."

"...two days..?" Kaira groaned. "Asleep for that long..?"

"She really took the life out of you..." Dixie said worriedly. "That worries me.."

"...where's Daisy and Luigi?" Kaira changed the subject, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"They found out about the humans," Saiko shrugged. "Saiko really didn't care when Saiko found out, but..."

"So they hate us now," Kaira propped her head up on her hand. "Don't they."

"Yup, that's pretty accurate," Dixie chirped. "Oh well."

"Not oh well," Toadette shook her head. "I don't know if you remember, but Luigi is still a newbie. He's going to die without any training. We can't let that happen."

"We could," Saiko suggested. "Saiko thinks he's the main reason Daisy hates us now."

"What? How so?" Dixie asked.

"He's a newbie, so of course he still wants to leave," Saiko explained. "And he's a close friend of hers. Of course Daisy is going to believe his word over our's."

"So in that case, they both deserve to die," Kaira muttered. "Luigi's a idiot and Daisy's an idiot for following him."

"Well, yes," Toadette agreed. "They are idiots, but they don't deserve to die."

"Hmm?" Kaira eyed Toadette suspiciously. "Surprises me that you're saying that."

"...For whatever reason, Pauline has taken a liking towards Daisy," Toadette scowled. "We're not going to miss out on a potential opportunity to get information."

"But... Saiko doesn't want to go," Saiko said. Toadette and Dixie looked at her like she was crazy. "Saiko's lived here her whole life. The last time Saiko tried to run with Kaira, a punishment happened. Saiko doesn't want to be separated again-"

"But we'll be missing out on an opportunity to leave," Toadette interrupted. "Don't you miss your family? Your-"

"...Saiko's family gave Saiko up..." Saiko said quietly. "Saiko wouldn't have anyone to go back to... There's no point in Saiko leaving.. Saiko doesn't have anyone outside of here."

"Oh," Dixie looked to the ground. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"...Saiko doesn't think Dixie should be sorry," Saiko smiled. "All of you are Saiko's family... Saiko doesn't need replacements."

"Oh, Saiko..."

"Exactly," Kaira stood up, ignoring the dizziness that came. "...and we're wardens. Regardless of the fact that we didn't have a choice, we rule here," She grinned maliciously. "We have power. Isn't that better than anything else outside? Being a warden also means we set an example. You two shouldn't be wanting to leave. What kind of wardens would we be?"

"True," Toadette agreed, forgetting that Kaira and Saiko had once tried to run away. "We can rule."

"We can rule..." Kaira smirked. "And we'll be feared wherever we go."

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