Hanan & Hanan.

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I layed in bed reading my Hunger Games novel when I heard my
little sister's scream as she barged into my room and hid behind me.

"Haba salma!" How many times have I told you not to barge into my room like that? and why the heck are you screaming like a maniac?"

"Adda Hanan." she whispered. "it's Salim, he's chasing me and he said he's going to break my head into a million pieces."

I hissed.

"What did you do to him now?" I asked her as I saw my little brother Salim run into the room trying to grab her from behind me.

"Saliiiim!" I yelled. "what do you think you're doing huh? What did I tell you about hitting girls? Most especially your sister for God's sake!" I said trying to break them apart.

"But Adda she broke my controller!" he fumed.

"I did not! I just threw it on the floor." she said sticking her tongue out at him.

"Why would you do that huh salma?" I scolded.

"I was talking to him and he ignored me." she said crossing her arms.

"She was yapping about her dolls and I wasn't interested and now she's made me lose my game." he mumbled.

They both started arguing at the same time which is creepy as they're twins and you wouldn't really want to listen to them talk at the same time.

"Shut up the both of you!" I shouted.

They both kept quiet.

"Can you two just not argue for like five minutes?
Salma stop being unnecessarily annoying and Salim, try being nice to your sister. It's not that hard. Now you guys, apologize to each other." I said.

"I'm sorry!" they both said at the same time.

Which again was very creepy!

"Now Get-out-of-my-room you rats!" I said as I opened the door.

They both chuckled and ran out arguing about who knows what again.

I layed back down on my bed feeling exasperated.

Breaking fights between these two is a daily affair.

I was already used to it, i mean I've been doing it since 2006.

They argue about everything ranging from food to who gets the remote first.

Sometimes i feel like breaking their necks but I love them too much.

I can't even say that in front of them as they'll likely argue about who i love more.

I glanced at the clock and it was three p.m

Very soon Ma would ask me to come downstairs so we can make dinner.

It's Sunday and my mom and I always made dinner together.

I hadn't even taken my bath yet.

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