Boos & Bumps.

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I rubbed my forehead and looked at the figure standing in front of me.

"Seems like you have a thing for bumping into people." he said smiling.

I couldn't believe it.

It was the mystery bottled water guy.

He was staring at me.

I never thought I'd see him again after that day and I had bumped into him again.

"I'm sorry." I said "I didn't see you coming."

"It's fine, looks like you had a lot on your mind."

"Yeah, just thinking about stuff." I said starting to walk away.
He followed me.

"So what were you thinking about? You were looking at those boys with so much admiration. Are you a fan of football?"

"No." I shook my head. "It just reminds me of someone special to me."

"Boyfriend?" he asked.

"My late brother, he loved football." I replied.

"Ohh. I'm so sorry." he said.

We had already arrived at my next class and as I made to enter he stopped me.

"You didn't tell me your name?" he asked.


"Well, I'm Adnan. Nice meeting you beautiful."

"My pleasure and thanks for the other day." I said as I walked into class.

The next day, he was standing outside my class. He insisted on walking me to my car and then asked me for my number.

I gave him cause i didn't want him to continue bugging me and besides I could block his number any second.

We started chatting on WhatsApp and I gradually warmed up to him.

He was a nice guy and I had started liking him. Ever since I broke up with Amir, I didn't want to have anything to do with any guy.

Layla and Nadia tried setting me up with guys but I just wasn't interested. They said I had to move on and I knew they were right but I still hadn't found the right guy.

Adnan and I always hanged out in school, he'd walk to me class, we'd go the cafeteria and eat together and he even offered to teach me how to play FIFA ever since I told him how Al crushed me flat the last time we played.

I told Ummi about him and she said I should give him a chance, maybe he was the right guy.

I told her I needed to think about it first as I didn't want to rush into anything.


We were in Nadia's room when I saw a text from Fai telling me he was outside. I didn't come with my car today as Layla was the one who had brought me to school.

I told them I was going to see Faisal and they started their ooohs and aaahs on how Fai was so sweet.

I looked at Nadia's face and I noticed she was going on and on about how cute Fai was and how anyone would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend.

Did she like him?

Cause Nadia would rather jump off a cliff than admit a guy was cute.

I resolved to ask her about that when I got back. I grabbed my bag and left.

I met him in the parking lot sitting in the car. He opened the door for me and I entered.

"I didn't know you were coming today." I said putting on my seatbelt.

"You know I can't go a day without seeing you Hanani."

"Are you trying to be cheesy eh?" I said punching his arm lightly.

"Ouch! That hurt" he said faking pain.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Eyes on the road kawai. you'll see."

I sighed and kept quiet.

He pulled over as we arrived at The Secret Garden.

They made the best pizzas and burgers.

We entered and sat down at the table. The waiter came and took our order. We asked for a box of pizza, two burgers, fries and smoothies.

While we were eating, I noticed Fai was silent and was hardly eating. He was looking like he wanted to say something.

"Cat's got your tongue nei mallam?" I asked.

He looked serious. Fai was never serious in fact the only thing he took serious was Polo.

I was wondering what was on his mind when he cleared his throat and started to talk.

"Hanan." he started.

Okay, this wasn't good at all.

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