Buckets & Chips.

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Ibrahim returned with Iman and I was surprised when she apologized to me. I could sense it was genuine and it didn't sound forced.

I didn't know what they talked about but I was glad it was over.

We didn't become the best of friends but at least we were getting along and we were able to have a full conversation without arguing or the usual eye rolls I normally got from her.

Ibrahim was still apologising about what she did and I had to tell him to stop, that it had passed already.

After a week, Salma, Iman and Ihsan left. I had already started missing them cause I was so used to having company in the house. Ibrahim was hardly home these days because he had lots of work to do at the office.

They were working on a new project and he was personally supervising the project.

I was still scared of being alone at home after what happened and I didn't want to get a maid so anytime I was done with work, I'd either go to Layla's or Our house or Ibrahim's house.

Ibrahim still insisted on keeping the driver even though I told him I'd be fine. So I was stuck with John, the talkative.

He was always yapping about one thing or the other that I never got bored.

Today I planned to go grocery shopping because Ramadan was in a two days, even though the moon hadn't been sighted yet. This was my first Ramadan fast in my husband's house and I was excited.

I've always loved the holy month as it gave me an opportunity to reflect on my life.

I wanted to take a leave from work but I couldn't. The work load was just too much and I didn't want to leave Layla alone. She still had Nabila to take care of.

I was roaming round the spices aisle in Sahad Stores, trying to pick what I needed when I bumped into someone with my shopping cart.

What is with me and bumping into people ne?

I realised it was even someone I knew.

It was Ibrahim's personal assistant, Hamza.

Hamza had been working with Ibrahim since he returned back from London and Ibrahim was always praising him. He talked about him a lot of times and I used to run into him at the office sometimes.

Anytime I saw him, I'd notice something familiar about his face but I couldn't place my finger on who he looked like.

I quickly apologized and we exchanged pleasantries then he left.

As he was leaving, he turned back and looked at me in a weird way.

Like he had a problem or something.

I just shrugged it off thinking maybe he had eyesight issues.

I finished shopping and moved to the counter to pay for the goods.

I came outside and got into the car putting on my ear piece to listen to Suratul - Baqarah.

The holy month had indeed arrived.

As John parked the car in the garage, I noticed Ibrahim's car.

Why was he home so early?

He normally didn't come home until Maghrib and now it was just an hour after Asr.

I got into the house and it was smelling of Fried chips.

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