Hearts & Breaks.

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I was contemplating picking the call or not.

I didn't even know what to say to him. It's been almost five months since we last spoke.

After what I did, I didn't think Ibrahim would ever forgive me. So I decided to just break up with him so he'd be free. I was so ashamed of myself, I couldn't believe I had cheated on him.

Ibrahim was a nice guy and he didn't deserve it.

I picked the call and his sweet melodious voice greeted me.

"Hello Hanan. Finally you've decided to pick my calls. Alhamdullilah!"

"Hey" I said .

"How have you been?" he asked. "Why have you been ignoring me? You even blocked me on WhatsApp . I know I've been distant for some time, I just had issues ne but I've fixed them and I'm sorry! so so sorry little princess."

I just died inside. That line "little princess" got me every time. I didn't want to cry so I held back my tears.

"It's fine. I've been wanting to talk to you about us anyway. I think we should break up. I just need a little space to clear my head and I really want to focus on my studies." I said even though I knew that Ibrahim was never a hindrance to my studies.

"Haba baby! why mana? I said I was sorrrryyy! please don't do this, you know how much you mean to me" he cried.

"I'm sorry Ibrahim, but I just think this is what's best for the both of us. Allah ya mana zabi mafi Alkhairii" I said and cut the call.

That night, I cried like never before but I resolved not to let it get to me.

I started fixing my mistakes one by one.

I focused on my studies like my life depended on it. Layla helped me out since I missed a lot of things last semester.

I blocked Ibrahim from any angle he could use to reach out to me. Even Ya Ahmad and Ya Faruk had gotten tired of pleading with me to accept him back. I refused to tell them the reason why. I heard that he had moved to London to further his studies.

I made sure I cut off ties with Soffie since she was intent on ruining her life. Last I heard of Amir, he was rusticated from school on the grounds of exam malpractice.

Finally, I had gotten out of my parents' bad books and my car had been returned to me plus I was no longer grounded.

I was done with my second semester exams and I was beyond elated when I saw my result.

I had a 4.86 GPA.

I almost hugged everyone I ran into. Nothing could spoil my mood.

Finally a 300 level student.

I entered my car and plugged the aux cord to my phone. I moved to my playlist and picked a song suitable for my mood

Pharell William's Happy.

I turned the volume to the highest and drove off like I was on top of the world.

I arrived home in no time and parked the car in our garage.

I noticed Daddy's car was missing and I was wondering where he went. It was Six pm and Daddy was always home before Six.

I entered the house and it was so quiet. I decided to check all the rooms but they were empty.

Where had everyone gone to?

Suddenly, I heard a sound in the kitchen, I went down to find out who it was.

It was Maman Amina.

I asked her where everyone was and her expression showed it wasn't good news at all.

She told me Al was rushed to the hospital after he fainted when he came back from school.

I quickly drove to our family hospital.

As I was driving, I was fervently praying nothing serious had happened to him.

It was when I arrived that I realised I didn't even know where I was supposed to go.

I dialled Ma's number and she told me they were at the ER.

I got there in no time and met them in the waiting room.

Ma's eyes were already swollen from all the crying.

One thing my mom and I had in common was crying.

Just cry for everything was our motto.

Salma was already sleeping on Ya Ahmad's lap while Salim was just sitting staring into space.

Daddy was with Ma consoling her.

He looked very agitated.

I was about to ask what had happened when the doctor appeared.
It was obvious he was bearing bad news.


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