Mid life.

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"Hanan!" Layla yelled pulling me out of my thoughts.

She looked exasperated.

I guess i had zoned out again.

"Why did you yell like that?" I asked sounding tired.

"Cause obviously, that's the only way to get your attention."

She waved her hands in front of the screen showing her frustration.

We were having a video call so we could discuss some project we were working on since I wasn't able to come to work today.

"I'm sorry, can we run through the details again? Wooden floors for the bedroom right?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Oh lord! The kitchen Han, we're renovating her kitchen! Where is your mind ne wai?"

"Sorry, i just thought i heard bedroom."

"You know what? We're not talking about this any further until you tell me what exactly is going on with you."

"I forget one thing and you think something's wrong with me?

"Come on. You and i know it's not just this one thing. For the past one week, you're always in deep thoughts, you zone out completely and you're always crying. Look, you even have bags under your eyes."

"Me? Crying? When did that happen?"

It was my feeble attempt at covering up.

I didn't even notice i had bags under my eyes, not that i was surprised though.

I haven't been sleeping well lately.

"Yesterday, at the office. In the bathroom, you had no idea i was there but I heard you."

Dang it.

"Layla, seriously it's nothing. I'm just tired you know stress and everything."

"You do know you're a terrible liar right?"

It was a good thing but at this moment, that was not what i needed.

I didn't even know where or how to start explaining to Layla what was going on.

Yes, there was indeed a problem and it was my husband.

"Talk to me Han." Layla urged. "What's wrong?"

"It's Ibrahim! I don't know what's wrong with him Layla. I have no idea what I've done..."

I couldn't even complete the last sentence when i broke into tears.

I hated this.

I hated my ability to cry at every little thing.

It made me look weak and all I needed right now was to be strong.

"Oh my." Layla said. "I wish i was there physically so I could comfort you. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." I said wiping my tears. "Layla I don't know what's going on with Ibrahim. You see these past 2 weeks have been nothing less than torture. We fight almost everyday and it's really stressing me out."

"Han, couples fight all the time. It's normal, but I think two weeks is too much time to be fighting over one thing."

"I know that but what can i do? He's the one who's acting up. He comes home late, doesn't eat, and goes straight to bed. I've asked him severally if I've done anything unknowingly, but all he does is dismiss the topic or it ends up in a fight.
Honestly, I'm tired."

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