Stones & Diamonds.

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After that whole scene, Iman walked out on me and went to sit on a bench far away from us.

I was glad Salma and Ihsan hadn't witnessed the scene.

To say I wanted to burst into tears was an understatement.

What have I done? And why doesn't she like me?

We've never had any encounter before and to see that she has judged me just after the first day of meeting up really hurt me.

I didn't go after her cause I didn't want to end it in a debacle and besides, she was my boyfriend's little sister.

I took a deep breath and decided to just sit down too.

I checked the time and it was almost Maghrib.

We left the place and Salma noticed the tension in the car. She asked me what happened but I just shook my head.

I didn't really want to get her involved cause Salma can be so mean.

Very mean.

We arrived home and thankfully Ibrahim arrived immediately after.

"Hey babe."

"Hey." I said forcing a smile.

I really didn't want to tell him what had transpired between his sister and I.

"So did you guys have a great time?"

"Yeah." Ihsan said. "We went to the park and I had so much fun with Adda Hanan and Adda Salma."

"That's nice, how about you Iman?"

"Yeah, it was great" she said and got into the car.

Ihsan hugged me goodbye and was even asking when I was going to come over. She wanted to show me her Hello Kitty collection.

"Very soon." I said to her.

Ibrahim noticed and asked me what was wrong. I told him I was just tired and wanted to sleep.

"Okay, I'll call you later. Bye babes."

"Bye Hun."

I saw a missed call from Layla when I got to the room.

I was supposed to go to her house for a sleepover over today cause Ya Ahmad had travelled and she didn't want to be alone.

I arrived at her house in a jiffy and just flopped on the couch.

"Where's nabibi?" I asked.


"Soooooo, how did the sister-in-law date go."

"Iman hates me."


I told her what happened between us.

"She called you an annoying pest?! Damn! She's a brat. So what did you tell her?"



"What was I going to say or do? It's not like I want to exchange words with a fourteen year old and I wasn't going to hit her either."

"Did you tell Ibrahim about it."

"Of course not! He might scold her or something and then I'll cause a rift between them. Not a good idea. Maybe she was just having a bad day."

"There's nothing like she was having a bad day. I still think you should talk to Ibrahim. He'll be in the best position to find out what's wrong. Just chill Han, I have no idea why she doesn't like you, you're like the sweetest person I know."

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