Princesses & Castles.

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Layla was eating tuwo.

Like seriously?

Layla doesn't eat tuwo most especially semovita so I had to ask what was wrong.

She told me she was just craving it. It sounded suspicious but I just ignored.

"So where's my brazzzza?" I asked. It's very unlike him to leave you alone on a Saturday. He always wants to be with his Layla." I said laughing.

"I sent him out" she replied.

I laughed.

"What did he do? Allah sarki yayana an kore shi. Maybe I'll just get him another wife then. I think..."

"Don't even try it madam. I'll crush your bones." She interrupted.

"You know I can never ai. You're my favourite fah." I said chuckling.

"He was here with his friends playing FIFA and they were making so much noise I had to chase them out. These days I just need peace and quiet plus I was so sleepy. Sun hanani bacci."

"Ai Ya Ahmad and those his friends, sai a hankali."

"So what's up? You said you wanted us to talk about something."

"Yeah, it's about a job. Ma handed over her company to me."

"Iyeeee! I'm so happy for you. So what are your plans baby girl?"

"Well, I was thinking we could work together. You know, like refurbish the company and make it ours."

"Oh my God Han! Are you serious?? Daman I was looking for what do walahi. I'm already tired of staying at home doing nothing. So give me the lowdown. What and what are you planning on introducing?"

"You know Ma just sold furniture and interior accessories right? So I was thinking, why not we design our own furnitures, get a carpenter to construct it and then we could give it a brand name, we could supply to homes, schools, offices. Then we'd also sell home accessories like curtains, blinds, throw pillows e.t.c and if a house or office needed renovation or wanted to move, we can offer services of packing, organisation and what not or if a bride needed help with her house furniture and arrangement, we could do it. In general dai, anything related to interior."

"That's a brilliant idea you know but how we'd we get the employees for all that?"

"Don't worry, I've got that covered. Ma already has a few of her own employees so we could just hire more for additional man power and I've already checked out a bigger space so it can accommodate a large office. I'm planning to go see how to set it up tomorrow plus we also need social media platforms you know, to get more customers.

"Wow Han! Looks like you've got these all figured out. I'm ready to help."

As I was talking, I noticed Layla had eaten two wraps of tuwo already and she was on her third one.

"Layla. Are you okay kuwa? This one you're eating like an elephant. Lafiya?"

"I'm fine joor. I'm just so hungry ne."

"Uhm! Are you sure you're not preggers?" I said raising my brows.


Then she kept quiet for a long time.

"Earth to Layla" I said snapping her out of her reverie. "What are you thinking of wai?"

"Of the last time I saw my period, which was two months ago."

"Oh my God! What are we waiting for then? Let's go find out if you're going to be a mother!" I said pulling her up.

We ran upstairs and Layla got the pregnancy test kit.

She didn't want to check the result so I was forced to tell her. It was positive.

That explains all the tuwo.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt! I'm so excited. Oh my God! I just hope it's a girl so I can dress her up in cute outfits..."

"Jeez Han! Chill mana. I'm the mum fah." She said laughing.

"Whatever! I'm still her mama too." I said sticking my tongue out at her.

We decided to go out to celebrate with ice cream and burger and throughout the drive, Layla was asking me of how she was going to break the news to Ya Ahmad in the most romantic way possible.

I told her to hire a plane and let it fly with a banner saying 'he was going to be a father'.

"You know you're an idiot ba?" She said.

"I know." I said as she continued her ramble.

It's been six months since Layla and I opened our company.

We named it 'H&L interiors'.

I have to admit, it has been a huge success. We even got customers from outside Abuja.

Today, Layla was not in cause she was in her last trimester and she could pop off anytime soon even though her EDD was still two weeks away.

I had to convince her to stop coming to work like 2 months ago and she only agreed when I involved Ya Ahmad.

I told her I could handle it.

I checked the time and it was already 12pm.

I wanted to rush home to get ready for Salim & Salma's graduation dinner.

They had just graduated from SS3 and even though it was hard to believe, they were indeed going to the University.

They're now sixteen year olds and had grown so much.

When I went for their graduation, I was so proud of them as they had passed their exams with flying colours.

Salim wanted to study Architecture while Salma wanted to go for Medicine.

I just remembered Al, he'd have been graduating from the University now as an Engineer.

Al's other passion apart from football was engineering. He even said he wanted to build an airplane.

Well, today isn't a day to be sad.

I picked up the phone to call my secretary so she could cancel any appointments I had and reschedule them for tomorrow.

"Hello ma'am" she said as she picked up the phone.

"Isabelle, please cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day, I have to rush over for my siblings' graduation dinner. Just reschedule them for tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank You." I said and hung up the call.

I picked my bag and was walking to the door when my phone beeped.

I hoped it was Ya Ahmad cause I had told him that if Layla had gone into labour, he should text me immediately.

I checked my phone and it was just a message from MTN asking me to subscribe to one of their numerous services.

I hissed and was returning the phone into my bag when I bumped into someone.

Adnan was right. I really had a thing for bumping into people.

I raised my face up to see who I had bumped into when I saw the face I've been longing to see for four years.

"Little princess." he said.

"Ibrahim." I replied.

Yes! Yes! Yes!
This is by far my favourite chapter so far.
Ibrahim is back babies!!!!
What do you think is going to happen??
Are they getting back together???
Ni dai I'm rooting for it.
And Adda Layla is preggers
Double celebration!!.
You guys should please
Comment and share.
If not...........

Tutulicious 🌼💞💕.

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