Dams & Dash.

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Ibrahim's POV.

I was so glad Hanan wanted to go out today. She had been holed up in that house for so long. I knew how she was feeling. It's not easy losing a baby because of an obsessive ex boyfriend.

It's not her fault and I hated seeing her that way. She's still having those nightmares and has refused to see a therapist. She flinches at every touch and gets scared easily. Sometimes, I hear her crying in the bathroom.

I feel like it's all my fault that she lost the baby because I left her all alone. I should have stayed with her or even called someone. I didn't even know I was living next to the guy who'd end up killing our baby.

I love Hanan so much I never want to see her in pain. I just wish she could talk to me, open up or even cry in front of me. All the time she said she was fine, I knew she was just pretending. She thinks if she acts fine, I'd feel better. She doesn't know her silence is killing me inside and there's nothing I can do If she doesn't talk to me.

I can't even concentrate at work cause my mind is always at home with her. I'm just glad Hamza, my personal assistant has been helping out if not I'm very sure the company would be on it's way to crashing down.

Our parents have been very supportive, Alhamdullilah at least. My mum gets her to eat everyday even though she has resorted to spoon feeding her.

I just wish I could take away all her pain and transfer it to the one I have. All these pain is because of one person. Astaghfirullah! But I'm glad he's dead.

I was done with work and decided to head home. I hated leaving her alone even though I knew my mum and sisters were around. Imran is coming back from school today and he'll be the perfect person to cheer up cause that boy is a joker.

I just miss my wife. I miss my little princess. The one who makes my heart race anytime I see her. The only one who could turn my frown upside down. I'm determined to get back my old Hanan.

No matter what.

I picked up my phone and dialled her number but she wasn't picking. I decided to head to the park she told me she'd be going to. I don't know why I've been having this uneasy feeling lately like something was wrong somewhere.

I arrived at the park and I couldn't find her anywhere. Her phone was ringing but she still wasn't picking up.

I drove down home to see if she had already come back but the house was empty. Mami had gone out and the girls were at school. I asked the maid if Hanan had returned but she said she hadn't seen her since she left in the morning.

I had already started panicking. Where could she be then? And she wasn't picking her phone either.

I then remembered I had installed a tracker in her car when Amir was stalking her. I traced her location on my phone and what I saw didn't go down well with me.

What was she doing at Usman Dam?

I needed to get there as fast as I could.

Hey Guys!
Sorry for the late update
School's so hectic rn I hardly have time to update.
But I'll try my best in sha Allah to update at least every two days.
Thanks 🌸🌸
Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

Tutu 🌸.

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