Blues & Loss.

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There is only pain.
My head, my chest.... Burning pain. My side, my arm.... Pain.

Where am I?

I tried opening my eyes and then I heard whispered words.

"Her ribs are bruised and she has a broken arm. But her vital signs are stable."

"Why hasn't she woken up yet then?"

"She has a major contusion but her brain activity is normal. She'll wake up when she's ready."

"And.. and the baby?"

"I'm so sorry. She has lost the baby."

Unconsciousness steals me again.

I opened my eyes and screamed

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

I felt a hand trying to hold me down and I started struggling.

"Hanan, little princess. Calm down, it's me. Ibrahim."

I heard his agonised voice. I shut my eyes and opened them again to confirm if it was actually Ibrahim.

I looked at his face. It was terrible, like he hadn't slept in days.

"Just sit still, I'll get the doctor." He said and headed to the door.

"Please don't leave me all alone." I begged.

"I'll be right back baby, the doctor needs to examine you. I'll just take a minute." He kissed my forehead and left.

I hugged my knees to my chest and rocked myself as I counted sixty seconds.

I heard the door open and I armed myself with a pillow.

Ibrahim had returned with the doctor.

"Mrs Ibrahim, welcome back. I'm Dr. Aminatu. Do you know where you are?"

I nodded.

"Hospital." I replied.

"What is your name?"



"can you recognise him?" She said pointing at Ibrahim.

Does she think I've lost my memory nei or what?

"Of course, he's my husband. Ibrahim."

"That's good. It shows the blow to your head didn't affect your memory. I have to examine you now, if you'd please."

Ibrahim moved closer to me and held my hand.

Dr Aminatu reached for a blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around my upper arm. I glanced anxiously up at Ibrahim. His shirt looked wrinkled. Like he hadn't showered in days.

How long has he been here?

The doctor starts to examine me thoroughly. She shined a light through my eyes. Then checked all my reflexes and was joined by a nurse she called Mabel. They continued the examination and Ibrahim wandered to a corner to make some calls.
I heard him speaking to my parents, his parents and Ya Ahmad to say I was awake.

Dr Aminatu checked my ribs, probing gently but firmly.

I winced.

"These are bruised. Not cracked or broken. You've already undergone the dilation and curettage procedure due to your miscarriage. I'm so sorry you lost your baby." She said with a voice filled with sympathy.

"I'll prescribe some painkillers for the headache you must be having right now. But all is looking as it should. I suggest you get some sleep. Depending on how you feel tomorrow, we may let you go home." She then exits the room with the nurse.

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