Clouds & Rain.

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I lifted his head from my lap and bent down.

"Al-Amin!" I tapped him again "if you're joking you had better stop, it's not funny at all."

Al loved to play dead anytime he didn't want to go to school. He'd enter his blanket and hold his breath pretending to be dead until Maa said she'd chop off all his fingers if he didn't stop.

He didn't respond and my heart started beating.

I ran upstairs to get Ma and Daddy and they rushed down immediately.

He was still in the same position as I had left him.

They got to his side and Daddy felt his pulse and that was when I heard

"Inalilahii wa ina ilahii raji'un ."

I felt the whole world come crashing down. I didn't know when I rushed to his side and started begging him to wake up.

Daddy had to pull me away, he didn't even know who to console as Ma was already going hysterical.

The noise woke everyone up and in no time, Ya Ahmad and the twins had appeared.

They didn't know what was happening until they saw Al lying on the couch lifeless.

The twins started crying and I could swear I saw Ya Ahmad shedding a tear.

Ma was holding Al and refused to let go of him.

I pulled her away so Ya Ahmad and Daddy could carry the body.

We all sat down on the floor sobbing.

He was getting better, he was.

"It's all my fault!" I said and ran into my room.


It's been one month since Al passed away and the atmosphere in our house was beyond depressing.

Anytime we sat down to eat, Ma would just start crying whenever she saw Al's empty chair and then no one would eat.

Salim stopped playing his video games and moved to Ya Ahmad's room cause he said he couldn't sleep without Al.

Salma refused to go to school because Al wasn't there to protect her from her class bullies.

Daddy and Ya Ahmad were the ones who kept a straight face even though I had seen them cry in unsuspecting places.

I on the other hand, what I felt was indescribable.

I had cried so much and I was surprised I hadn't run out of tears already.

I felt it was all my fault, if only I had gotten those drugs for him he'd be here with us.

The only thing I did was go for IT and come back.

I avoided anything that had to do with football cause it reminded me of Al.

I was depressed.

It was like a dark cloud was hovering over me.

Even after all my friends visited me to pay their respects, I didn't talk to anyone. I'd just nod my head or mumble.

I stopped going to the boys' wing because that was where Al had died, I could still feel his presence there.

The only thing that rang in my head was the last thing he said

"I promise."

I was sitting in my room when I heard Ya Ahmad come in, behind all the strong face, I knew that he was breaking inside.

He told me Daddy said he wanted to see everyone.

I was wondering why cause we've never had a family meeting before.

Nevertheless, I put on my hijab and headed downstairs.

Everyone was seated at the table. I just hope Ma would not start crying again.

I sat down and everyone was eagerly waiting for what Daddy had to say.

He started with Ma, he told she had to stop this her crying cause it wasn't helping Al in anyway.

All he needed was prayers, and he was right.

I decided to speak.

"Why should we cry for someone who has gone to meet his creator? I know we all loved Al but Allah loved him more." I said looking at Ma.

"Hanan is right, why should we cry, when with Al we had the best fourteen years of our life?" Ya Ahmad said.

Daddy nodded and Ma stopped crying.

"Al-Amin was a gift from Allah and Allah just took him back so he could take care of him." Daddy said.

"I think we should all remember the good times we shared with Ya Al-Amin." Salim said.

Everyone acknowledged and finally Salma spoke

"We should pray for him. May he rest in Jannatul Firdaus In Sha Allah."

We all said Amin and prayed for him.


After that talk, things improved.
Ma had stopped crying and she was returning to her former self, Daddy returned to work and the twins went back to school.

Ya Ahmad had travelled to Kaduna for his friends wedding.

I still had a week before I resumed school so I visited my friends.

Aliyah was back from New York and so we met up.

We decided to hang out at Ummi's house.

Everyone was there and I felt a lot better after talking to my friends that I went to Al and I's favourite place ----- Chloe's Cupcake Heaven.

Al and I shared a love for cupcakes and we always came here together whenever we wanted to hang out alone.


I was sitting outside in the thatched hut reading a book when I heard a familiar voice.


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