Lost & Found.

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My heart skipped a beat.

Let it not be what I'm thinking.

I don't think I can handle it.

I ran inside the house, I knew where exactly I wanted to be right now.

I didn't bother to greet all the people I saw cause I only wanted to see one person,

my mother.

I burst into her room and there she was sitting on the floor.


Oh my God! Then why are all these people here?

The first person that spoke to me was Hajja fattu.

Remind me why she's here again ?

"Hannatu! Didn't you learn how to knock before entering your elder's room ? How can you just barge in like that huh?"

My subconscious rolled her eyes.

I didn't reply her anyway.

I apologized for barging in and greeted everyone then I went to Ma's place.

I hugged her cause I thought I had lost her just a few minutes ago.

I asked her what had happened and she said I just lost my parternal Grandmother.

My dada, i was supposed to go visit her cause she was ill but then I had to go to camp and I was planning to visit her when I had returned but now she's gone.

I extended my condolences to everyone and proceeded to go see my dad.

I'm very sure he's devastated after losing his mom.

He lost his dad six years ago and now his mom.

I felt so sorry for him, it's not easy to lose your parents.

We travelled to Adamawa the next day, I hadn't gone there in a while cause of school and stuff.

It was like a family reunion and everyone was there even Fai.

We had a civil conversation and I was glad he was looking okay.

I tried my best to avoid Hajja fattu cause anytime I passed, the only thing that was in her mouth was Hannatu and marriage.

Her mother just died. She's supposed to be mourning.

Anyways I didn't pay attention to all her talk.

I just spent all my time with my cousins, aunts and uncles cause I knew it'll be long before we met up again.

We returned after two weeks.

I was going to miss everyone a lot.

I had started thinking of what to do since I was done with youth service when Daddy told me he had paid for Ma and I to go for Hajj.

I was beyond happy. I've always wanted to travel to the Holy land.

Ma and I travelled after two weeks and i used all that opportunity to pour out all my problems to God.

First of all, I prayed for Al. I hoped he was be among those in Jannah in sha Allah.

I also prayed for my parents, that Allah should bless them and protect them for me.

I prayed for my siblings, my family even Hajja fattu though she was nasty, my friends.

Lastly, I prayed for my self. I asked God to heal my broken heart and bless me with a good husband.

Even though I used to hide it, I actually felt lonely.

Anytime the topic of marriage came, I always avoided it but deep down, it bothered me.

I've always imagined one day getting married to the love of my life.

I just hoped God will answer my prayers.

We came back home and Daddy asked me if I wanted to get a job or if I had anything in mind.

He offered to me a job in his company but I declined cause I wanted to be independent.

Ma and I talked and she told me she wanted to retire and rest.

She wanted to me take over her company and I thought it was a brilliant idea.

I've always wanted to go into interior decorating and I decided to revamp the company but not alone though.

There's only person I wanted to do this with and it was Layla.

So I went to go see her with the plans.

I arrived at her house and I was surprised at what I saw.

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