Make & Break.

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I was surprised.

What happened that she had to give me fifteen missed calls and how did I not hear my phone ring?

I realised what had happened, I had left my phone on silent.

I called her back. She didn't pick the first time until I called her back the second time.

When she picked, the first thing I heard was an insult.

"You're a magnificent idiot you know ba? Where did you keep your phone?? Keh daman you're a fool walahi."

"I'm so sorry." I apologized. "Walahi I slept off early and my phone was on silent."

"Whatever! What I wanted to tell you has passed."

"Haba mana sister-in-law, you know me and you ba mai raba mu."

"Shut up joor! Bribe me first then I'll tell you."

"Okay okay, I'll buy you a box of coco ribbon's doughnuts."

"And one monster shake" she said.

"Okay, Na yarda! Oya spill!"

"Ahmad proposed to me last night!!!!!!"

"Oh my God! I can't believe it. I'm so happy for you." I said faking surprise.

I had already known Ya Ahmad was going to ask her to marry him. I actually helped him out on the proposal issue.

He had already told Daddy and Ma and they gave him the go ahead.

I was so happy Layla was going to be part of our family.

She was going on and on on how the proposal was so romantic and how she couldn't wait to get married to him.

She told me he said he was going to come see her parents for the formal introduction.

I won't lie, I was happy for her.

"So now I can finally call you sister in law!!!! We have a wedding to plan!" I said.

Then I heard the call to Zuhr and I promised to come over later so we could talk.

Layla's parents had agreed to the wedding and a date was fixed. We were graduating in a month and her wedding was fixed 2 months after our graduation.


It was our graduation day and I was very excited. Layla and I were getting ready at our house.

Ummi was back from school and she was doing our make up. She still had a year before she could graduate since her course had a duration of five years.

"Haba Ummi! It's okay DanAllah." I protested.

She had finished Layla's make up and was doing mine.

"Keep quiet abeg! I'm trying to make you look beautiful madam."

"What's the point of all these make up ma DanAllah? It's not like we're getting married." I hissed.

She knew I hated all these make up stress but she still insisted on getting our faces painted.

"Stop protesting Hanan!" She said as I was struggling to stand up.

"It's your graduation fah. 4 years no be beans!"

"Tell her o, tell her." Layla said.

I laughed. I knew they'll always gang up on me when it comes to make up. They were fans of make up.

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