Boy & Bye.

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"What do you think you're doing?" I said trying to struggle free from his grasp.

"You think you're just going to go scot free? Then you must have being deceiving yourself!"

Suddenly I felt my chair go backwards and then he's on top me. I try to push him off but it was of no use cause he was 2 times bigger than me. I start crying and begging him to stop. He had already pulled off my veil and was about to take of my blouse when I bit him off.

During that time, I managed to find the pin I used to roll my veil and i stabbed his arm with it. Before he could retaliate, I had punched him below the belt and he groaned.

I quickly opened the door and ran out as fast as my legs could carry me. I stopped when I realised he wasn't chasing me. I entered an empty class and bumped into someone.

"Hey are you okay?" The person said.

I lifted my face up and it was a guy. I quickly apologized and made my way to leave when he handed me a bottle of water and said

"Here, have this. You'd feel better." and then he walked away.


I left the class and it was when I wanted to call mallam Isa to ask him if he was here already that I realised I didn't have my phone with me.

I had left it in Amir's car while running away.


I wanted to check my bag for my baby Nokia but my bag wasn't there.

Where could I have dropped it?.

I walked to the parking lot and fortunately Mallam Isa was already there with Layla.

"Hey Hanan! I've been calling your number bakya picking. You left your bag in the cafeteria."

"Ohh!" was all I could say.

"Are you okay?" She asked handing me the bag.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. "I just went to do some stuff."

I got into the car and waved her goodbye. Mallam Isa tried to make conversation but I wasn't even paying attention.

All I wanted was to see myself at home. I didn't even wait for him to park properly when I dropped down. I ran to the bathroom and got into the shower. I stood under the water for more than an hour and let the tears flow. As soon as I came out, I heard Ma's voice asking me to come down for dinner. I told her I wasn't hungry as my face was bloated and I didn't want anyone to ask me any questions.

The next morning during breakfast, Ya Ahmad asked for my phone so he could send something.

I had to say that my phone had spoilt so no one would notice that i had misplaced it.

I didn't even think Daddy would get me a new one since I was still in his bad books.

I was surprised when he asked Ya Ahmad to take me so I'd buy a new phone.

Now the only problem I had was Ya Ahmad, he was looking at me with eyes that read "I know you're lying" but I just ignored him.

Later in the day, he asked me what was wrong cause he noticed I was moody. I told him I was fine and I was just tired from school.

If I had told him what exactly happened to me, by now Amir would be lying down six feet under.

I remember one time in school, I was at the playground when one of those big boys in our class pushed me and I fell down bruising my knee. I ran to his class crying and told him. The next day I saw the boy with a plaster on his nose and a cut lip, which meant Ya Ahmad had definitely punched him.

Since that day I knew my brother would always deal with anyone who tried to hurt me.

I got a new phone and told him I had lost my sim so I wanted to do welcome back.

When we got home, I said thank you to Daddy and proceeded to set up my phone. I was done setting it up when a call came in. I looked at the caller ID and it was Ibrahim.

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