Lizards & Bonnets.

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We were able to rush Soffie to the hospital in no time and she got admitted.

While waiting for the doctor, Layla placed a call to Soffie's dad to inform him about what had happened and he arrived immediately.

The doctor came and requested to see him in private.
When he came out, his face looked so downcast.

We asked him if Soffie was going to be okay and what exactly happened to her.

He told us that Soffie was pregnant and had tried to commit an abortion but she wasn't successful.

"Inalilahii wa ina ilaihi raji'un." Layla and I both said at the same time.

I didn't think Soffie would go this far.

I knew she and Umar had gone beyond limits but I didn't imagine they had done the deed.

Her dad asked us if we knew who was responsible for the pregnancy. I didn't want to jump into conclusions and tell him it was Umar since I wasn't sure. So I told him that I didn't know and he should ask Soffie instead.

We asked the doctor if we could see her and he said we should go ahead. We entered the room and Soffie was already crying.

"Baba.. I'm sorry...."

Before she could finish, he had already given her a sound slap.

"Auuuu Sahiyaa. abin da kika koma yi kenan?. After all I've done for you, this is what you choose to repay me with? Engaging in pre-marital affairs? How am I going to face my business partners now if my stupid daughter has gotten herself pregnant for some idiot!" he shouted.

Layla and I kept quiet.

From this scene, I know understood Soffie's behaviour.

Loosing her mother and living with a father that didn't care about her.

I knew what she did was wrong but from all indications, all he cared about was his reputation.

He didn't even ask her about who had gotten her pregnant or even listened to her pleas.

"I'm pulling you out of that school and you're going to go live with your grandmother in the village until you deliver this bastard you're carrying. I can't keep you in my house so you'd bring shame to me and my family! Aikin banza kawai" he said and stormed out of the room.

Layla and I were dumbfounded.

I knew Soffie's dad was not an easy going guy but I'd never thought he'd be this cruel and heartless.

We sat down on the bed and tried to console Soffie.

I glanced at the clock and it was 3:00pm. The twins would soon be back from school, so I texted Ya Ahmad and told him I was in the hospital cause Soffie had fallen ill and I'd be running late.

"I should have listened to you guys." Soffie said. "Now I've ruined my life. If I go to the village, how would I continue schooling? and how will I take care of this baby" she cried.

I asked her who was the father of the baby and my guess was right.

It was Umar.

She told us about how she found out she was pregnant 3 weeks ago and she confronted him about it. He told her to get rid of it as he wasn't ready to father a child. After calling his number, she was unable to reach him. She had gone to his house but there was no trace of him. She called all his friends but they had no idea where he had gone to. It was like he had vanished from the face of earth.

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