Lies & Blows.

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"Where are you coming from and who the hell were you with?" Ibrahim asked as I stepped into the house.

He looked so upset. He had never spoken to me in that tone before.

I looked at him in surprise.

How did he know where I had gone to or who I was with.

I had tried calling him earlier to inform him but his phone was not reachable.

"I went to see ...."

"Another one of your ex-boyfriends huh?"


"What are you talking about? He's not my ex. He's my ...." And before I could tell him who it was he had interrupted me again.

He showed me a picture on his phone, no doubt it was me in the picture and a guy.

Who sent you that picture?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"Ibrahim, wait. I can explain."

"Please save it. I'm tired of you hiding things from me Hanan. You know what?" He said with his eyes on me the whole time. ",Next time any of your 'exes' decide to pay a visit, I'd appreciate a heads up so I'll keep my child safe. I don't want another 'accident' occuring." He said and walked out on me.

I stood there speechless, not able to talk. I couldn't believe Ibrahim was playing the Amir card. He just reminded me of what had happened when I was trying so hard to forget.

He didn't even allow me to explain what had happened. I was wondering where he had gotten the idea of me meeting up with my ex from when I saw Soffie emerge from the kitchen.

She engulfed me in a hug, it was obvious she had been listening in on the conversation.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay Han." She said wiping the tears that had already started dropping.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he doesn't trust me anymore." I said crying.

"Just allow him to chill, then talk to him later. I'm sure he'll listen to you. Ibrahim loves you. Who did you go see anyways? Was it Amir?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Amir's dead, Soffie."

She looked at me, her mouth wide open like a well.

"And I don't want to talk about it. Goodnight!" I said getting up to go upstairs.

I went inside the room expecting to see Ibrahim playing FIFA since that's the only thing that made him feel better if he was upset but he wasn't there.

I thought he was in the bathroom but when he didn't come out after an hour I knew he wasn't in the room. He was probably in the study.

I changed into my nightwear hoping he'd come back and sleep but when I woke up later in the night, he was nowhere to be found.

I came out of the room and found him in the guest room sleeping. I couldn't believe it.

And for the first time since we got married, Ibrahim and I slept in separate rooms.

The next morning, it was like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Ibrahim was still not in the room. I opened the blinds and his car was not in the car park.

Had he gone to the office without even saying goodbye?

I checked the time and it was already 9am.


I was late for work.

I hurriedly got into the bathroom and took a shower, in my hurry to get ready for work I almost slipped in the bathroom.

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