Madamès & Spices

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I could not describe the pandemonium that was happening in our house.

It was the week of Ya Ahmad's and Layla's wedding.

The house was filled up with guests.

My aunts and cousins were already here.

My whole life was upside down as the bride was my best friend and the groom was my brother.

You can imagine the kind of up and down I'd be doing.

Three weeks ago, I had to go with Ma to buy the things for the kayan lefe which would be taken to Layla's house. Then Layla said I had to go with her to shop for the house furniture and kitchen equipments. After that, Ya Ahmad said I was a good interior decorator so he needed my help in setting up their house. Layla said I must accompany her to all her dress fittings, spa appointments and what else plus I was in charge of planning all the events.

I was about to go insane from all the stress but little did I know it was just the beginning.

Hajja fattu was here, she was my dad's elder sister and as my cousins and I loved to call her, Madam spices.

She just never minded her business, her nose never stayed in one place. Always criticizing everyone and feeling like she was the boss cause her husband held a top political position.

Her kids were no different from her as the were very arrogant brats. She had six kids, one boy and five girls.

The most annoying of all her children was Sadiya.

She was not happy when she heard Ya Ahmad was getting married to Layla because she had tried to set him up with Sadiya but Daddy bluntly refused.

So she was here to wreak havoc and make my life miserable since she said Daddy always over pampered me.

Today I had to go get something in Ma's room and she was there.

"Jam ban du na" I said greeting her in fulfulde.

My dad was from Adamawa so he was Fulani. Even though Ma was also Fulani from Gombe, we hardly spoke fulfulde at home. I had no idea why.

I still learnt how to speak the language if not, Hajja fattu would have made another case saying my dad didn't teach us about our culture.

She didn't even reply my greetings.

"So I heard the bride is your friend, you've succeeded in stopping my daughter from marrying your brother right? Anyways, Sobarabe ma do panga, anbo adon(your friends are already getting married and you're still here). I don't even think you have someone interested in you because of this your bratty attitude." She said and continued what ever it is she was doing.

See pot calling kettle black.

If anyone was bratty, it was her horrible kids.

I didn't say anything cause my mom had taught me to respect my elders and never talk back at them no matter what.

I just shrugged and grabbed what I had to pick and left.

I was lucky to escape from her clutches as I had to go over to Layla's house for the kunshi/sa lalle.

This was an event for the bride and her friends. It was organised by Layla's aunt.

I arrived at their house and it was no surprise that it was also bustling with guests.

I went straight to their big parlour where I knew the event would be holding.

Layla was sitting on a cushion sorrounded by our friends; Nadia, Ummi, Mimi and even Soffie.

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