Babies & Bumps.

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I stood in front of the mirror rubbing my tummy. I still couldn't believe I was pregnant. It was like a dream come true.

I had to ask the doctor to show me the test results before I believed him.

Ibrahim was more excited, he kissed me so hard, I almost ran out of breath.

It really pays to be patient.

When we got home from the hospital, I checked the test strip and found out it was expired.

That explained the negative result.

I was about going to the kitchen to make lunch when my phone beeped.

It was Ma.

I wasn't surprised though. I had been getting a lot of attention from my two mothers since I broke the news to them.

I picked up the phone and I was greeted with her sullen voice.

"Salaam Alaikum." I said wondering why her voice was down.

Has she been crying again?

"Alaikumul salaam." She replied, her voice still down. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Alhamdullilah. Is something wrong? Your voice sounds off?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Can you come home now? I need to speak to you."

"Sure. Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Just come over."

"Okay. I'll be right there." I said hanging up.

I grabbed my hijab and texted Ibrahim telling him I'd be going to Ma's.

He asked me to wait for him so he could take me but I told him it was urgent and besides I didn't want to interrupt his work.

Today was Saturday but he still went to the office. He was pursuing a big contract and he was working hard to get it.

I arrived at our house and that atmosphere was not welcoming at all.

Ma asked me to wait for Ya Ahmad and I was wondering what happened to warrant this family meeting.

Daddy was not around as he had travelled to Egypt for a conference.

Ma was sitting on the sofa and Salim was sitting on the floor, his head dropped low.

What had he done?

Ma was looking so upset, she kept tapping her legs.

Ya Ahmad arrived and sat down.

Ma cleared her throat.

"I think your brother has something to tell you." She said looking at Salim.

He kept quiet.

"Are you going to talk or do you want me to smack it out of you." Her voice was already rising.

That got his attention.

I knew she wasn't joking about smacking him. For her to threaten smacking you, it meant what you did was very bad and I won't lie, her hand was indeed painful.

"I...I... was...." He said stammering.

"Yes, go on. Tell your brother and sister you've started smoking."

"What?!" Ya Ahmad and I both said at the same time.

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

I looked at my seventeen year old brother wondering what had pushed him to smoke.

What the hell was he smoking anyway?

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