One & Two.

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"You're asking me to leave your house?" Her eyes were wide open.

What did she expect? For me to let her live here after what she did?

"Am I speaking Swahili?" My temper was already rising.

"But you said you'd always be there for me. I have a son fa Hanan. Aren't you pitying him?"

"Don't play the Imran card on me! You're the one who messed up. So stop using the innocent boy for your schemes. I really do pity him though. I just pray he doesn't follow in your footsteps."

I looked at Ibrahim and he returned it with a look that said "i told you so."

He stood up and left the dining.

"You know what? I'll just leave."

She looked at me and walked away.

I sat down on the chair and held my head in my hands.

I just can't believe Soffie tried to mess me up again.

I really believed she had changed.

I was wrong then.

She appeared minutes later with her luggage and this time around i was really glad she was going.

She opened the door and I didn't even bother looking cause i was so disappointed.

I had other things on my mind, like how to start apologizing to my husband for not listening to him.

I summoned up all my strength and headed upstairs.

As I opened the door to our room, i found him standing by window.

He was in deep thought he didn't even hear me come in.

I hugged him from behind and started blabbing about how sorry i was and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

Even though we had just fought for a day, I missed him and it was obvious he missed me too.

I struggled to catch my breath after that unexpected kiss.

"I've told you to several times, you talk too much princess. Our night has already being ruined, let's not talk about it again. Come on, my two babies need their beauty sleep."

"I thought i was your only baby?" I raised my brows.

"Jealous much?" He laughed.

I knew i was forgiven.


"Ughhh! I'm so tired." Layla let out an outstretched yawn.

We were at Yasmin's house today helping her to set up the baby's nursery.

Most of our staff were booked as this was a wedding season.

So many houses to fix up and too many renovations.

Layla and i had to step in and of course Yasmin was family.

"Says someone who isn't pregnant." Ummi rolled her eyes at Layla.

"Toh chairman national association of pregnant women. Thank you for pointing out the obvious." She hissed and picked up her phone.

"Guys." I interrupted before their bickering got any further. "Don't start your arguments here. You'll just make me hungrier than I already am."

"And when are you not hungry?" Ummi asked laughing. "You could easily pass as the minister of food."

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