Light & Darkness.

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After Ya Ahmad and Layla had left, I got into my car and drove off happily cause my plan had worked. I had managed to get them to go out together and I hoped I'd hear good news when they returned.

I got home and nobody was around. Al was at the hospital and the twins were at islamiyah.

I flopped on my bed and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

The sound of my phone woke me up from my slumber. I grabbed it from the side drawer and it was Layla.

I quickly sat up.

This is going to be juicy.

I adjusted my amebo ears and picked up the call.

Before I could say H, her voice had already blasted my ear.

"HANAN MUHAMMAD SANTURAKI!" She yelled.  "just sleep with one eye closed today cause I'm going to kill YOU!"

"Well, hello sister in law." I said forming a British accent and laughing.

"How dare you set me up on a date with you brother ehn?" She said.

"Oh please !" I said. "spare me the hypocrisy joor.  it's not like you didn't want to go. I could see your subconscious jumping up and down and your cheeks were red Malama when I said I wasn't going, so shut up!

"Inalilahiii!" she exclaimed. "ni din ?"

"AbegYou're supposed to be thanking me ma with one bottle of chilled Coca Cola and some Toblerone." I said.

"Barauniya! You just want to me to buy you Coca-Cola." she said laughing.

"Nidai, Give me all the dits. all of it I mean, from A-Z and don't dare skip any alphabet." I threatened.

She laughed and started giving me the gist. She told me her favourite part was when he got the teddy bear for her and how she had found a place for it on her bed. Then she started gushing about the bracelet and how'd she'd never take it off. After she finished telling me everything. I couldn't believe my brother was that romantic.

"Iyee." I said "soyyaya ruwan zuma."

"Shut up idiot." she replied. "mummy is calling me, but don't worry I'll come over tomorrow so we'd gist."

"Toh fah. just say you want to come and see him."

"Get out joor. I don't have your time."

"Oho dai. Bring my Coca Cola fah." I said

"Naji. Talk to you later babes." she said and cut the call.

Ya Ahmad came to my room an hour later and hugged the life out of me. I think he said thank you so many times that I couldn't count. He refused to tell me what had happened but I didn't mind as Layla had already told me. He gave me some chocolates before he left but not after I had heard him singing Ed Sheeran's thinking out loud.


Layla and my brother had now become a couple. Sometimes I got jealous cause they were couple goals to be honest. I was happy for the both of them cause they loved and adored each other.

Our exams were approaching and I was beyond exhausted. I couldn't wait to finish so I could rest. I hardly slept and I just needed a 24 hours straight power nap.

I was very happy when Daddy said we were travelling to Dubai this holiday.

We all needed a vacation.

Ma was always in and out of the hospital with Al, the twins were now in JS1 and their workload had increased, Ya Ahmad was helping Daddy out with the company cause Daddy was always running up and down due to Al's illness. I also had to help Ma with her business too. So everyone was just tired.

We left for Dubai one week later and let me admit, it was one of the best vacations ever.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

We lodged at the Atlantis Palm Jumeirah and rested for a day.

The rest of the vacation was amazing. Ma and I shopped to our heart's content. I think we visited all the malls we could find. The twins went to the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo while Al refused to leave Sega Republic cause he said he had never seen anything so beautiful, we managed to get him to leave after Daddy said he was taking the boys to Ferrari World. Salma and I decided to go to iFly Dubai cause we've always wanted to experience flying like a bird.

We were all having fun when the next day Daddy said we were going to the musuem, nobody wanted to go.

We agreed after Daddy promised to take us to the Dubai ice rink after wards.

Ya Ahmad said he wasn't going to leave until he had gone to the Dubai Autodrom while daddy wanted to go to the Polo Academy so they left together while we went to KidZania cause Salma almost cried when she realised we were almost leaving and she hadn't gone there yet.

On the last day before we left, we all went to the Dubai desert and we had dinner afterwards.

We came home after two weeks and I must admit it was great trip.

At least we had a well deserved vacation.


We started our exams two weeks after and when we finished, Layla, Nadia and I treated ourselves to lunch at our favourite Tulip Bistro, afterall we deserved it.

During the holidays, I decided to just chill and not do anything related to education cause I was very tired.

So that night, Al and I were watching Lip Sync Battle on MTV Base, everyone had gone to bed cause they all had things to do tomorrow so it was just Al and I.

He was out of school again because he had just returned from the hospital after undergoing another chemotherapy. He was looking pale and he still hadn't gained weight.

He was already fourteen but he still looked twelve.

"Hey Al." i said "Who do you think is going to win this round?"

He didn't answer and I turned around. He was lying down staring into space.

"Are you okay?" I asked him "is something hurting you?"

"No, I'm fine." he replied "just a mild headache."

"Let me go get your drugs then." I said standing up

He held me back.

"No, I told you it's mild and I'm tired of those drugs. Let's just continue watching. I'll take them before I sleep." he said sitting up.

"Are you sure?"

I really wanted to go get the drugs because I hated seeing him in pain but even if I was the one I'd get tired of all those drugs he used to take. I sat back down and he put his head on my lap.

"Promise me you'll take them before you sleep and if the headache worsens just tell me."

"I promise." he said as we continued watching.

I didn't know I had fallen asleep until I heard the sound our inverter always made whenever they brought the light.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and checked the time, it was Eleven forty-five.

I hadn't even slept for long. I decided to wake Al up so he could go to his room.

"Al wake up let's go to bed." I said tapping him

He didn't move.

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Dedicated to Maryam-MAM ayshatubuhari
Thank Youuu

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