Means & Ends.

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He told me he was moving back to Dubai to do his masters.

I know I didn't accept his proposal but I didn't want him to leave either.

He said needed to leave so he could clear his mind.

I begged him to at least stay for my graduation but he said he had to go.

I understood the situation.

I made him promise to keep in touch and he said even though I wasn't going to be his girlfriend, that didn't mean he'll just stop talking to me.

I hugged him goodbye and he left.

After Fai left for Dubai, I started writing my final exams.

It was very hectic as I still hadn't finished my project.

Layla and I were in school almost everyday and we had to prepare for graduation.

That day, Ya Ahmad had to come 'kidnap' us from school as he called it cause he said we were working too hard.

As I dropped my pen for my final paper, I looked at Layla and we both mouthed a silent Alhamdullilah.

Nothing could describe how we felt at that moment. We were finally done with school.

As we walked out of the school building, we threw our hands up in the air and screamed

"We're finally free!"

We didn't care about the people watching us, all we cared about was that we had finished.

We ran into Nadia and she had just finished her final paper too.

If only Soffie was here, we'd have been sharing this moment with her.

I wanted to go home but Layla suggested we should go have some fun before we went home.

So we decided to go to the Trukadero place to enjoy ourselves.

We sang along to Styl Plus' four years and my voice was the loudest cause really four years don waka o.

It was an amazing four years.

I was glad for all the lessons I had learnt in the University most importantly for all the people I've met.

I was also happy for all the good things that happened most especially Layla meeting my brother and stealing his heart.

I didn't want to think about the bad things cause today was a day of celebration.

We arrived finally and we decided to go bowling first. After that we ate. We finished eating and realised it was getting late.

Layla dropped Nadia off at school before dropping me off at home.

The house was dark and quiet.

We were supposed to be having dinner so I was wondering where everyone was. As I got to the parlor, I switched on the lights.

Then I heard everyone shouting congratulations.

They had planned a surprise party for me to celebrate the end of my final exams.

Turned out Layla was in on the plan, no wonder she was so sneaky with her phone.

I hugged my parents and my siblings. I was so happy they had planned it. We had so much fun and everyone was talking about how it was just like yesterday that I had graduated from secondary school.

We laughed at all the funny moments and everyone had a great time.

I was so grateful for my family cause they were the best.

After the party, Ya Ahmad asked me to help him out with something and i was more than happy to help.

I was already getting used to finishing school that all i did was sleep. I had to repay back all the carry-overs of sleep I had.

Ma woke me up saying that I had slept enough.

I grabbed my phone from the bed side drawer and I glanced at the screen.

"Fifteen missed calls from Layla."

Another short chapter
Can't believe Hanan is about to graduate
Iyyyyeh! Issa graduate thingssss.
What did Hanan help Ya Ahmad with and why did Layla give her 15 missed calls ????
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