Ibee & Teetee.

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I was disappointed.

For a minute there, I thought I was about to be a mother again.

I locked myself up in the bathroom and cried my eyes out.

I didn't even know i had spent almost an hour in there until I came out and saw five missed calls from Ibrahim.

I had totally forgotten he'd be back home early today.

He must have gotten tired of ringing the doorbell.

I ran downstairs to open the door.

"Sorry babe, I didn't hear the bell. I was in the toilet."

"It's fine. Haven't been here that long anyways." He said as he entered.

He looked at me and I'm very sure he noticed my puffed up eyes.

I had forgotten to wash my face.

"Hanan, have you been crying again?" He said holding me.

"No, something just got in my eye and..."

"Yeah right, something got in your eye."

He rolled his eyes.

"Please stop crying huh. I don't like to see you sad."

"Okay." I said ending the conversation.

I didn't want to tell him what had happened. There was no point in telling him the bad news.

So I just pretended like nothing was wrong and went about my usual activities.

Today was the last day of Ramadan, I was in the kitchen preparing for Iftar when Ibrahim came in.

He looked upset.

I noticed something in his hand, it was the test strip.

How did he find it?

"Is this why you were crying that day?" He asked.


"And you didn't say anything about it? I asked you and you said it was nothing." His voice was already rising.

"Ibrahim, i just thought it wasn't important. There was no point in telling you that I had tested negative to a pregnancy test."

"I still have a right to know. You still don't trust me and it's so frustrating." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

He just shook his head and left the kitchen.

I knew I was wrong for not telling him about the test but he shouldn't have gotten upset like that.

It's not like the test turned out positive.

I didn't like the atmosphere during dinner at all. Ibrahim was still mad at me. He kept on picking his food.

"Ibrahim mana, I said I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad."

"Yes you are. You're not eating and don't tell me you don't like the food because it's your favourite."

"Fine! I'm still mad. Very mad Hanan. I still don't get why you keep things from me. I'm your husband for God's sake."

"I'm sorry. I just thought you'd be disappointed the test came out negative."

"You see what I'm talking about? I've told you several times, it doesn't matter for how long we don't have a child. We've just been married for six months. What's the rush? And why would I be disappointed when you I know it's not your fault. The doctor said we're both fine and we'd be able to have babies soon. So just be patient."

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