Hooks & Dates.

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We received a call from Ma that they'd be returning home in two weeks and that Al was getting a lot better.

I couldn't wait to see him even though we spoke and facetimed every day but still, I wanted to see him physically. I had missed him a lot.

Soffie had stopped coming to school. Her father had definitely taken out his threat of sending her to her Grandmother.

Before she left, Layla, Nadia and I had gone to visit her. We promised to keep in touch and we wished her good luck and a safe delivery.

The semester was almost rounding up, Layla and I were buried in our books cause the courses in 300 level were a lot harder.

We had to deal with programming, networking and all sorts of computer related jargon. I couldn't believe we just had one year and a few months to graduate in sha Allah.

My 19th birthday was coming up and I really wasn't in the mood to celebrate cause I felt it wouldn't be complete without Al.

I just agreed to go for a movie with a few of my friends.

It was practically a girl's night out with Layla, Nadia, Ummi, Mimi and my cousin Intisar who came to our house to spend the weekend.

Fai was still in Dubai while Aliyah hadn't returned since she left.

We enjoyed ourselves because I had missed them so much.


Salma and I were watching World's Funniest on my Laptop while Ya Ahmad and Salim were playing Pro Evolution Soccer on their play station.

"Goaaaal" Salim shouted. "This is the fifth game I'm winning fa Yaya, you're not even concentrating.

"Chill champ. I'm just tired ne. let me rest, we'd play later."

He moved to a chair and started pressing his phone. My amebo eyes caught him staring at the screen for like ten minutes.

I started wondering what had gotten him so interested.

I moved slowly and peeped, he was on Instagram.

Wait what?

He was not the social media type of person. The only thing he did was Whatsapp and he was hardly online.

All he cared about was driving, reading books, horse riding and other outdoor sports.

So, I was wondering when he opened an Instagram account.

I moved closer and I noticed a familiar Instagram page; it was Layla's.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said dropping the phone.

"Oh my God Yaya!. When did you open an Instagram account and why are you on Layla's page? I shouted.

"What is your business wai?" he asked. "I just stumbled across her page and I decided to check it out and besides... You know what? Just forget it." he said standing up to leave.

I was thinking of how he got her handle when I remembered I had posted a picture of my friends on my birthday and I had tagged Layla, so he must have gotten it from there.

Now I had confirmed Ya Ahmad is in love with Layla, all's left is to find out if Layla feels the same way.

"But Yayaaaaa" Salim cried. "we've not finished the game".

"I'm sleepy. we'd continue tomorrow." he said and left the sitting room.

"Let's play together toh" Salma said picking up a controller.

They started the game and it was obvious Salma wasn't winning so she decided to distract Salim. They started arguing and I had gotten enough of them so I sent them off to bed.


We were in class today studying for our mid-semester exams when I noticed Layla was not even concentrating.

"Earth to Layla" I said drawing her attention.

"Yeah, yeah. what were you saying?" she asked.

I just looked at her and continued studying while she kept on zoning out.

We were done and we made to leave. When we got out, she stopped.

"Are we not going home?" I said.

"I just remembered, I need to go see Dr Ahmad concerning..."

"Dr Ahmad kuma?" I asked interrupting her.

I knew among all our lecturers, none had the name Ahmad.

"Oh sorry." she said her cheeks flushing to a crimson red. "I meant Dr Kabir."

From that point, I had confirmed she was also in love cause I had been noticing her for the past few days, she always mistook a lot of names for Ahmad.

Anytime Ya Ahmad came to pick me from school, she'd be blushing anyhow like someone that had just gone on her first date.

"Okay, let's go toh" I said.


Finally, Al came home.

We all went to pick them from the airport. I engulfed him in a bone crushing hug and it was when he whispered in my ear that one of his bones was about to break that i released him.

He looked a lot better even though he had lost all of his hair and he was looking thinner.

We were all over him when he got home that Maa sent all of us to bed so we could allow him to rest.

I was very happy that he was recuperating even though he still had to continue some treatments over here.


It was the last day of our mid semester exams when I came up with an idea.

I was going to set Layla and Ya Ahmad up.

I was tired of this hide and seek they were playing. It was very obvious there were in love.

I filled Nadia in on the plan and she was hundred percent on board.

So I sent a text to Ya Ahmad telling him that Layla and I were craving ice cream and we were all too tired to drive.

I received a text 20 minutes later that he was outside waiting for us.

Can you imagine?

If it was on a normal day, he'd tell me to go get it myself but since I had mentioned Layla he rushed over.

I told Layla that Ya Ahmad was here to take us for ice cream.

Her eyes lit up and she grabbed her bag as we headed out.

As soon as we got to the parking lot, Ya ahmad was standing there grinning like someone who had just won the lottery.

We were about to get into the car when I said i had forgotten that i was supposed to see one of our lecturers. I asked them to go ahead without me that I'll meet them there.

I could swear that i saw Ya Ahmad's eyes light up like a star.

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