Suits & Suites.

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I pulled over at the house after been gone for the entire night.

I honestly couldn't believe i spent the night away from my home, i barely got a second of sleep as i was wide awake thinking of what happened between Hanan and i the previous night.

I had more than enough time to think about the words that i stupidly blurted out in the heat of the argument, i just hope she's cooled off.

I decided to use the back entrance only to realized it was locked, i mean it's always open by this time of the morning and i didn't have the keys to the back door on me, so i used the front door instead.

I walked in and every where was silent, that's to be expected since it's Saturday.

I figured Hanan and the kids might still be asleep, i proceeded upstairs to our room cautiously not wanting to wake them up, i entered the room only to find out the room was empty, maybe she slept in one of the kids' room.

That's understandable, considering that we had an argument the previous night.

I decided to hit the bathroom to freshen up and change into something comfortable cause I was still in my office clothes.

I moved to the closet to get my favourite sweat pant and T-shirt, but something seemed a bit off.

I opened the closet only to find out half of Hanan's clothes were gone.

What the?

Why would Hanan move out of the room?

"So mature" I sarcastically thought to myself.

I closed the closet and headed out to talk to Hanan only to find Aliyah and Ayman's room empty too.

That was when i started to worry.

"Hanan?" I called out as i headed down stairs

"Hanan, where are you?"

I looked into the guest room but it was empty.

i ran into the kitchen.

Still no one.

"Hanan!" i called as i ran back up the stairs to get my phone.

I dialled her number, only to be told it was not available.

I started pacing up and down the room trying not to freak out.

"stupid, stupid, stupid. You dumb ass! how could you tell her if she's fed up she can leave?" i said out loud, smacking my forehead.

I kept on dialling her number but it still was not going through.

"please please ring" i said to no one in particular as i dialed for the umpteenth time.

Still no luck, so I decided to call Layla.

"Hello, Uhm Layla. Good morning." I said as i tried to remain calm.

"Yes, everything's fine. Actually, Everything's not fine. Hanan and i got into an argument yesterday and things were said. Long story short, Hanan's gone." I said as i came clean.

I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Did she contact you today?"

"No." she replied, making me run out of options

"Okay thanks. Do let me know if she contacts you please and please can you not tell Ahmad about this? I want to be the one to tell him. Thanks." i managed to say before hanging up.

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