Riders & Stalkers.

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My heart jumped to my mouth, I was being followed. My throat constricted with pain.

I checked the rearview mirror and the car is still behind me. I looked through the windshield to see who's driving but I see nothing.

It was a Toyota Corolla S. I remembered I saw the car parked at our office today and thought it belonged to a client.

I felt a wave of nausea hit me.

What if the driver's a kidnapper or worst still, a psychopath?

I've watched a lot of movies and I know that when a car is following you, it's not a good sign.

I stepped on the gas and started speeding. I didn't care that I was exceeding the speed limit, all I wanted to do was go somewhere crowded with people.

It was late in the afternoon and there was a light traffic. I gripped the steering wheel and glanced at the rearview mirror. I felt adrenaline rush into me so I shot the Range forward slamming me back into my seat.

The speedometer whipped up to 140.

I grabbed my phone and made a quick call to Ibrahim but he didn't pick. He sent me a text message saying he was in a meeting and he'd call me back.

I was able to weave in between the cars in the two lines of traffic. I glanced behind and the Toyota was now four cars behind me.

I'm still on 140.

There's another line of traffic ahead and I have to slow down. I spot the Toyota.

I put my foot down again. I don't think I've ever driven that fast.

The Toyota cleared up traffic band picked up speed. I pressed down on the gas and increase to 160 and I was able to cross over to a fast lane. I put my foot down and the Range zoomed forward.

Another car lurched into the fast lane and I slammed the brakes. I got around the car, checked the mirrors and sped past the slower vehicles and cut back to the fast lane.

A car blocked me in front and I flashed the headlights which earned me a glare.

I headed straight to ShopRite Mall.

The tires screeched in protest as I swerved into the crowded parking lot.

I've lost the Toyota.

I knew i was supposed to be relieved but I was shaken with fear that I couldn't get out of the car. I just sat down there and started crying. I heard my phone ring.

"Ibrahim." I said in a husky voice.

"Baby, sorry I was in a meeting ne. Wait are you crying? Did something happen? Where are you?"


"Don't move an inch, I'm coming to get you."


Before I knew it, I heard someone knocking on my window and I knew Ibrahim had arrived.

I opened the door and ran into his arms.

"Let's get this little princess home." He said and took me to his car.

He had come with a driver that took my car.

As he started the car, I was still checking if the stalker had returned. I didn't really want to talk, all I wanted to do was go home and be in Ibrahim's arms.

He understood that and didn't say a word to me till we got home. I sat down on his laps and sobbed in his chest. He rubbed my back and waited for me to stop crying before he asked me what had happened.

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