Candy & Bars.

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I had gone to daddy's office to get him some files and was saying goodbye to his PA when my phone beeped.

I knew it was Hanan, she hated phonecalls so she preferred to send text messages and besides I didn't have any girlfriend to send me texts.

I pulled out my phone and my guess was right; her name appeared on my screen -------- "lil sis".

I groaned.

What did she want now ?.

I opened the message and what I saw made my heart do several back flips.

She wanted to me to take her out for Ice cream with Layla.

I was looking for every opportunity to see Layla. Hanan had always talked about Layla but I'd never seen her.

When she came to our house for a sleepover, she was about to enter the kitchen when I bumped into her. She apologized with one of the sweetest voices I'd ever heard.

I tried to get a glimpse of her but she had left so quickly and in the morning, they left for school as early as possible.

I desperately wanted to see her again but i didn't know how do it.
I couldn't tell Hanan cause that girl was a blabber mouth, she'd definitely ruin everything so i decided to take things slowly.

I was so happy when I got her text that day telling me Layla's car had broken down.

That was my opportunity.

I got there in no time and she was looking more beautiful than ever even though she was distressed.

When she jumped on me after she saw the lizard which was so cute, that was when I knew I had fallen in love.

So I took every chance I could get to see her and become friends with her. I even offered to take Hanan to school and bring her sometimes just so I could see her.

I was making progress since Layla had started speaking to me and now that I was taking them out, I was hoping Hanan would let me interact with her one on one at least.

I said my goodbyes to the staff and I left in a hurry. I didn't want to keep Layla waiting so she'll not get a bad impression of me.

I arrived and sent a text to Hanan that i was here already.

Before they came out, I checked myself in the rearview mirror.

"Not that bad" I said to myself.

As soon as I came out of the car, I noticed them walking to the parking lot.

Hanan was saying something to Layla and she was laughing. I couldn't wait to be the one to make her laugh one day.

So I adjusted my Ray-Ban sunglasses and leaned on the car.

I was about to tell Hanan to sit at the back seat when she came up with an excuse that she had to see one of her lecturers and she couldn't come along with us.

I knew she was lying cause Hanan never turned down Ice cream.
As she left, she winked at me and I got the message

I opened the door for Layla and she got into the car. She was putting on her seatbelt while I started driving the car.

I plugged my phone to the aux cord and asked her to pick a song.

She ended up choosing a Taylor Swift song.

"I thought it was only girls that listened to Taylor Swift?" she said chuckling.

"That's Hanan's handiwork" I replied. "she's always messing with my playlist. But I like Taylor anyway, she's cool."

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